Vol.4 Love is Rose (LEMON)

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You are walking through the streets of Atlas after being leaving the hospital lost in thought.

Your P.O.V Flashback

Ruby is hugging me tight before I push her away gentle as everyone watched me walk out the door leaving them in silence. "(FN)" Yang said as she ran out the door to try and catch up with me while everyone comfort Ruby.

"(FN) what the hell are you doing you just hurt Ruby's feelings" Yang said as I stop before placing my hand on another door to leave. "I do this because I have no choice if I start something with Ruby I will not be there to help her as no matter what happens whether we win or lose the out come is the same with my death so just keep away from me please" I said as I pass through the door but not before Yang notice tears falling down your cheek before she heads back to Ruby.

Your P.O.V Flashback ends

You keep walking before feeling a drop of rain fall on your face as you walk you feel your skin go cold and your bandages become soaked before you stop and look up to the dark, gray and gloomy sky. [Ruby I'm sorry but this is for the best but pushing you away my heart feels like it's being shattered] you thought as a tear begins to fall before you begin walking again only to hear the sound of someone running towards you.

"(FN) PLEASE DON'T GO" a voice shouts before you turn round to see Ruby with tears in her eyes as she tackles you causing you to fall on your back. "Why are you here your going to get sick" you said as Ruby's tear falls on your cheek.

"I came because I love you and I know Yang told me but this is only hurting you not me so please stop" Ruby said before you move her hair out of the way and soon kiss her with passion before separating and placing your head on her shoulder. "Why can't you just let me go I have everything to lose if I stay so tell me why" you asked as Ruby strokes your wet hair with a smileas you both fall to your knees.

"It's because your our friend and the man I love that's why I will follow you to hell and back" Ruby says as you begin to cry into her shoulder. After a few minutes you stop and look at Ruby as you both stand up and begin walking towards an inn as it was closer than the academy.

After getting a room with two bed you let Ruby go and shower first to warm up but she had other plans. "You um could shower with me" Ruby says looking at you with a blush on her face before your eyes widen and you fall on your butt.

"I um that is um we shouldn't because your a girl and I'm a boy" you said with nervousness in your voice as Ruby takes your hand and leads you towards the bathroom. "I know but I want to take what we have to the next level so please mark me as yours tonight" Ruby said as she stopped before you look at her and thought about what she was asking.

"Ok Ruby I will because I want to go to the next level with you too" you tell her as she smiled before you turn her around and the both of you begin to kiss with so much passion that you thought the room would catch fire from all the heat before you before begin to strip down until your both naked. You and Ruby continue to make out while in the shower not losing any of the passion or intensity before you pick Ruby up as she wraps her legs around your waist as you carry her to one of the bed before falling on it with her.

"Ruby I plan to show you a night of passion" you said after splitting from Ruby so she could breath before seeing a cheeky smile on her face. You soon begin kissing down her neck to her breasts until you lick them before sucking on them as Ruby moans as your left hand moves down her stomach before reaching her pussy and you slowly insert a finger before she moans even louder.

You soon begin pumping your finger inside her before inserting another as her moans get louder and louder before she squirts all over your fingers before you sit on the edge of the bed and Ruby gets on her knees before taking your ten inch dick in her mouth. Ruby soon looks at you and smiles at your face before bobbing her head up and down on your dick as you try not to cum as she was just amazing before Ruby picks up her pace before you explode your hot seed into her mouth which she drinks down as you look at her before Ruby climbs on to the bed and spreads her legs allowing you easy access.

"Ruby this will most likely hurt" you say as she nods before you take your dick and place it at her entrance and push in gentle trying not to cause her too much pain before hitting a wall as you look at her and she nods before you thrust past it taking her virginity as you stay still for a couple of minutes before she gives you the signal. You soon thrust in and out at a slow pace before picking up speed as Ruby moans your name while your leaning over her looking at her face.

"OH FUCK YES FASTER HARDER OH GOD" Ruby moans as you thrust faster and harder making her moan louder feeling her orgasm over your dick. "RUBY I'M GOING TO CUM" you tell her as she hooks her legs around you.

"DO IT INSIDE" Ruby moaned as you thrust faster and faster before finally exploding your hot seed deep inside her womb as you fall next to her. "I {pant} we soaked {pant} the bed" you say with short breaths as you see Ruby smile.

"Yeah and I enjoyed it" Ruby said as you smile before you both kiss and fall asleep holding each other tight with smiles on your faces.

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