Vol.2 Confession

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Dean and Lucy were getting some drinks while they waited for you to wake up all the time Elizabeth just reads a book but as Dean and Lucy get back you begin to wake up. "Oh man" you say as Dean and Lucy rush over to you and smile as you sat up carefully.

"How you feel dude" Dean asked as you gave him a light chuckle before he hands you a bottle of water. "I feel like I was hit by a car twice" you say before the four of you begin to laugh until Dean looks at you.

"(FN) listen about the tournament...." Dean says before you cut him off as you place your water on the table next to you. "I know Dean that I won't be able to compete I'm just sorry that it forces you three to miss out too" you tell them as they all shake their head before they put hands together in front of you.

"Don't be after all your our leader and even if we could we wouldn't because we are a team and teams stick together" the three of them said as you chuckle before placing your hand on top of theirs. "A team to the end" you say before all of you remove your hands before Dean and Elizabeth help you out of bed and the four of you begin heading to the dining room to get some food.

After making it to the dining room Dean helps open the door as the four of you walk in and soon are face to face with team RWBY and team JNPR which noticed you walk in before Ruby rushed passed them nearly sending them flying as she tackled you with a hug. "So Ruby I take it you missed me" you asked as she hugs you tight before Yang pulls he off you.

"Sorry about my sister she has just been worried all day" Yang said as you get up and dust yourself off with a smile on your face. After telling them about your team not being able to enter the tournament you all sit down and eat before heading back to the dorms but you and Ruby stay behind to clean up but as the group left you noticed Yang gave you a slight wink.

"Ruby about everything that has happened I just want to say I'm sorry we haven't had much time to talk" you said as you and Ruby finish cleaning up and begin to leave through the moonlit night. "No it's ok I mean we can talk now" Ruby said with a slight blush on her face which you noticed as you smile before you spot a small field of flowers as you walk Ruby over there.

"Ruby I just want say that your the most fantastic person and I know I'm not much but I want to tell you that the song you heard me sing was about my l...lo...love for y...you" you stutter the last part as Ruby blushed a little more as she turns to face you and placed a hand on your cheek. "You make me feel the same way (FN) but I could never say it but I believe I can now because I love you too" Ruby said as you hold hand on your cheek before looking her in the eyes and you both move a little closer before your lips meet under the pale moon light with flowers in bloom.

The next day

You wake up in your dorm room but as you go to get up you soon notice your being held down before looking and noticing that Ruby was asleep next to you before look and see she is still clothed as you sigh in relief before looking and smiling as you lightly brush her cheek which wakes her up. "Oh morning Yan... (FN)" Ruby says your name in shock before looking round to notice this was not her room as she blushed.

"D...Did w...we y...yo...you kn...know" Ruby asked while stuttering as you both get up. "As far as I can tell it seems we just slept normally no you know so be at ease" you say before going over to your draw and pull out a new top and begin to change you old one while Ruby watch and soon you had a new top on as you both leave for so Ruby can change in her room while you stood outside.

After Ruby had changed the both of you head for the dining room where you knew your teams would most likely be waiting but you didn't know what to feel excited about telling everyone you and Ruby were dating or to feel fear at what Yang might do to you the thought sent shivers up your spine before you and Ruby enter and your teams look at you and smile. "So what is everyone talking about" you asked as you grab some food as you soon hear Yang speak.

"Nothing much just about how your team is going to handle the tournament also Ruby where were you this morning" Yang said which made you swallow a little to fast causing you to cough. "Oh I was taking a walk" Ruby said a you soon sigh in relief which was short lived when Lucy heard.

"No she weren't Ruby was a sleep in (FN)'s bed" Lucy said before going back to eating before you look towards Yang who looked like she was about to kill but you quickly shoot out of your seat and run for your life as Ruby chased after Yang to explain everything as the others do the same to help you escape death. After a few hours Yang calms down which allows you and Ruby explain about what happened last night before everyone cheers and Yang gave you a big hug.

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