Vol.4 Making a stand

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You begin to wake up and continue to focus on training while other grimm are abused by Jacques personal soldiers but you manage to learn and improve.

To Yang and Blake

Blake and Yang are walking around Mantle looking around for answers before bumping into Weiss. "Ok what are you two up to" Weiss says as Yang and Blake explain what they are doing.

"So you both believe that someone is holding (FN) prisoner" Weiss said as she sees them nod before the three of them begin searching again only to come up empty. Meanwhile Ruby was with Oscar talking about the plans since they were all now huntsmen and huntress.

Back to you

Your sitting in your cell looking at the walls and the structure before coming up with an idea. A couple hours pass before it was time for lights out and you look as all the soldiers leave the area before walking over to the wall.

"Ok if I'm right these walls are made to keep grimm in so all I need to do is push through" you say with a smile before pushing your fist through the wall but as it goes through you see you are begin to burn as you try and reach for the cell button. You manage to unlock the cell at the cost of your right arm as it hangs motionless before you begin to run looking for the exit.

You hide round corners and stay out of sight of cameras along the way before ducking into a room as two soldiers pass by. "Damn it this place is like a maze but there must be away out" you say before noticing a table with documents on it before walking over to it and looking at the documents.

"This is a letter to Jacques from Salem and what this about project endgame" you say before moving the documents with your good hand and find a document about project endgame before reading it before your eyes widen. "This can't be right if Salem does this it really will be the endgame I need to get this back to Ruby and the others" you say before shoving all the documents in a bag and place it around your shoulder as an alarm goes off.

"Time to go" you said before exiting the room only to be spotted by some soldiers as you begin running you. You manage to see a light at the end of the hallway but as you step through you find yourself in a courtyard surrounded by soldiers as Jacques steps forward clapping.

"Bravo your bright one to make it out but this is the end of the line now hand over the documents" Jacques said as you look round before getting into a fighting stance as the soldiers begin to close in. A soldier comes at you from behind but you backflip before kicking him in the back of the skull and soon grab another by the arm and manage to toss him into three more soldiers as you keep fending off soldier after soldier until you knock out the last one and soon quickly run for the door.

"SOLDIER SHOOT HIM NOW WE CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY" Jacques shouts as the soldier points his gun at your back and fires hitting you in the back as you fall out the gate. "Go get my document" Jacques said as the other soldiers begin to wake up while other soldiers go looking for your body only to find nothing but drops of blood that lead to the river.

Meanwhile up stream your floating in the water before washing up on a small bank you soon hear voices calling your name before opening your eyes slightly to see Yang, Blake and Weiss trying to help you as your eyes close again. After a couple hours you wake up bandaged only to notice your in a room before hearing a door open as Ironwood walks in and sees your awake.

"How you feeling" Ironwood asked you while you got comfortable. "I feel like crap" you say as Ironwood walks over to the door and lets your friends in as some of them are crying before you notice Ruby was not with them.

"I take it no one has told Ruby" you asked as Yang just points telling you to look to your right before you notice Ruby. "When we found you we got everyone and since you were brought she hasn't left your side" Yang said as you smile before moving your left hand a gentle rub her cheek.

"Tell me where is my bag" you asked as Yang hands it to you as you use your left arm to grab the documents and show them to everyone which shocked them even Weiss. "I can't believe my father would do this" Weiss said as she read the documents.

"Salem plans activate her project endgame and if that document is correct it is full extinction of humanity" you say as everyone looks it over. "We need to be ready for what is coming because right now we are all that stand in her way" you say as you struggle to get out of bed before everyone tries to stop you.

"Dude take it easy your still need to recover" Dean says as you pant trying to catch your breath. "I know but we don't have the time I will fight Salem and end this before it begins" you say to them as Ruby begins to wake up and see your out of bed.

"(FN) that is crazy if you fight Salem in your condition you'll die" Jaune said as you punch the wall as your friends watch your right arm glow as you begin to move it again. "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT IF I DON'T THEN YOU'LL ALL DIE TOO AND I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANY OF YOU SO IF I HAVE TOO I WILL FUCKING DIE TRYING IF IT MEAN YOU ALL GET TO LIVE" you shout in pure rage as everyone watched Ruby walk up to you before hugging you from behind as you turn and look at her before hugging her.

"Please don't leave me" Ruby said and in a single moment with only those four words Ruby had made you want to live.

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