Living with truth

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As transport ship reached Beacon you were in the bathroom looking at yourself in the mirror before looking at your arms badaged to hide your secret. [Ok I think it's time] you thought as the ship lands but your team and Ruby wait until you come out of the bathroom and they smile at before opening the doors to reveal Yang, Weiss, Black, Ozpin and Goodwitch as Ruby and your team walk out before you step out and people gasp at what they see.

[No more secrets] you thought as you walked off the ship but what made people gasp was that your arms were exposed for them to see before you see Yang get in front of Ruby eye glowing red before you stop and look her in the eyes and smile. "Are you sure your name is Yang and not Ruby too because your eye shine red like a Ruby" you said as Yang gets flustered as your team and Ruby laugh at that comment before Blake and Weiss walk over to Yang as you and Ruby walk passed them.

As your walking through the academy you can see the stares your getting and feel the fear in everyone as Ruby speaks. "You ok" Ruby asked as you nod before stopping to look out the window at the view of Vale.

"Just a little nervous because now I've exposed my secret to everyone but this needed to be done I'm done hiding from who I am" you say before looking at Ruby who had a smile on her face before hugging you as you do the same.

"Things will become much more difficult especially your team now that my secret is out" you said before separating from Ruby as you walk away to unpack your things. While you were unpacking Ruby went and rejoined her team who looked unhappy as she sat down.

"Sis I'm going to ask you did he threaten you" Yang asked as Ruby looked at her team confused at why they would think that. "No Yang he didn't why are you changing towards him" Ruby asked as you were walking to where Ruby was before stopping and listened to what her team would say.

"Ruby he is a grimm or a..." Blake said before stopping at what she was about to say as Weiss finished. "A monster I mean didn't you look at him and his arms" Weiss said as you smiled before begining to walk away while Ozpin watched as Ruby slaps Weiss across the face.

"You don't know what he has had to go through he has had nothing but hate and loneliness his whole life he is not a grimm, he is not a monster he is my friend but get to know him before you judge him" Ruby said as she walked away with tears in her eyes which made her team think about what they had said before going to find you. While Ruby's team was looking for you Ruby was wiping the tears from her eyes before bumping into Ozpin.

"Oh professor Ozpin how are you" Ruby asked as he smiled before walking with Ruby and began to talk to her. "Miss Rose let me ask you something why do you think the academy's put you on a team" Ozpin asked as Ruby looked at him thinking about the question.

"I don't know" Ruby answers as Ozpin smiles before stopping. "The reason is so if you struggle a team can help you improve lets use your team miss Long is good at hand to hand combat which you are not, miss Schnee has good sense of control which miss long does not, miss Belladonna has good control over her over her semblance which miss Schnee does not and miss Rose you have a kind heart which your team needs to improve after all you are all huntsmen and huntress in training but also children so have fun and make some memories" Ozpin said as he sips he tea and Ruby smiles before running to find you and her team.

With you and Ruby's team

Your lying on the ground under a tree before Yang, Weiss and Blake show up before you stand up and dust yourself off. "So why have you come to see me" you asked as Yang walks over to you as Ruby saw her stand in front of you and hug you shocking you and Ruby causing her to trip and begin rolling which Yang noticed and dodged but you didn't dodge in time and Ruby crashed into you knocking dust into the air.

"Ruby, (FN) you two ok" Weiss asked as the dust clears and everyone blushed as Blake and Weiss look at Yang. As you and Ruby open your eyes you both see your face to face and kissing before separating with bright red blushes on you face before you look at Yang who looked pissed big time.

"(FN) your dead" Yang says stepping forward step by step before she picks you up by the neck. "Yang no" Ruby said trying to hold Yang back before you run away hoping Yang would not chase you.

"Oh my Yang don't you think you overreacted" Ruby said as Yang calms down and they all soon walking back to team RWBY's dorm room but as they did Ruby stopped behind for a few minutes and put a finget to her bottom lip. "(FN) tastes sweet like candy" Ruby said before running to catch up to her team.

As you were running you stop next to your dorm room before flashs of Ruby and you kissing pop into your head and you slide down the wall. "I kissed Ruby and now Yang wants to kill me great but Ruby smells like an actual rose" you said before standing up and entering your room as your team looked at you before you all go to sleep ready for tomorrow.

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