The welcome and the begining

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On the way to Beacon you take a nap while listening to your music before waking up as the ship lands and everyone begins to exit as you pick up your bag and walk towards the school as you get close to the door you see Ruby bump into the white haired girl as a case of dust she was carrying explodes. As the smoke clears you see Ruby is ok before the white haired girl begins to complain as the black haired girl walks over to them before you hear her call the white haired girl Weiss Schnee.

[Oh great a Schnee one of the most snobby people in the world] you thought as you fling your bag over your back and then begin walking before Ruby noticed you and runs over to you with a smile on her face. "Hey(FN)" Ruby says as you turn to face her and smile as you both walk inside ready for the entrance exam to get into Beacon before Ozpin appears on a stage.

"Welcome to all of you who have come to take the entrance exam I believe no matter where you come from all that matters is that you try your best and show the spirit of a huntsmen and huntress" Ozpin said as everyone claps at his word of encouragement before speaking again. "Now then as for the exam there is a set of ruins with artefacts your task is to get one those with an artefact will pass those with out will fail and be allowed to re-try in  one year" Ozpin tells them before all the applicants are sent to somewhere else before hearing a bell a sign that the test had begun.

"Oh crap they dropped us right in the test I need to find the artefacts and fast" you say before sitting on the ground and begin to meditate as you feel sense the dust in the air, the ground, the sea and all living things before finally finding the location and begin heading for it. As your running you can see other applicants looking around for the artefacts before seeing Ruby and Weiss flying over head on the back of a Nevermore which you followed as it was heading in the same direction as you as a smile breaks across your face.

"Ruby is a crazy one and that's my kind of style" you say while chase after them and before long you reach the ruins as a group of people gather there as a Deathstalker shows up before you look up and see Ruby and Weiss falling. You quickly run at the Deathstalker in front of you as the others watch you dodge it's stinger before jumping on it's back and then using it's tail as a spring to shoot yourself in the air to catch Ruby and Weiss before landing on the ground behind the group before letting go and looking at the Deathstalker as it charged at you.

Everyone began to move but you stood your ground before grabbing your weapon and activating it in it's sword form as you closed your eyes and in a split second you move slicing the Deathstalker in half as it began to burn while you look at the group who are in shock and amazement. "I must of lost my mind right there is no way he could real beat a Deathstalker with a single strike" Weiss said as you walk over to them and help Ruby to her feet before smiling.

"I guess that makes 2 times I saved you now haha" you said to Ruby with a small chuckle as the girl with yellow hair stands between you and Ruby. "Hey how do you know my sister" the girl said as you begin to back away as Ruby grabs her.

"Yang stop he protected me from an explosion when I chased after Roman Torchwick" Ruby said as Yang looks at you and smiles. "In that case thanks" Yang said as you smile and nod before everyone grabs their artefact which looked like a chess piece as the exam ended and you all are sent to the hall from before as Ozpin welcomes you on to the stage.

"As headmaster of this academy it is my honour to welcome all of you and now for your teams Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long from this day on you will be known as team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose" Ozpin says as team after team was formed until finally it was your turn as you and 3 others walk up to the stage. "(FN) (LN), Lucy Manson, Dean Mcree and Elizabeth Scarlet as of this moment you will be call team (FL)LDE lead by (FN) (LN)" Ozpin said as you hear the claps behind you while looking in shock at the fact that you were the lead of your team before Dean walks over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Lets go leader we need to unpack" Dean said as you and your head to the room you were a signed to unpack and settle in and hopefully talk to each other.

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