Vol.2 Evolution

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After Ozpin allowed your team to compete in the tournament you and your team began training for it and before you knew it the tournament was about to happen but you were walking through Beacon before hearing shouting coming from the front of Beacon and you go to check it out. As you arrive at the big crowd of people you see a man with black hair and a woman with white hair fighting before noticing Ruby and Weiss and continue to watch the battle.

After awhile Ozpin, Goodwitch and Ironwood come and break it up but as you watch the crowd disperse you notice Ruby run over to the man and hear her call him uncle which makes you smile as you begin to walk away before a piece of the bridge breaks and Ruby begins to fall which makes you run back to help. You quickly jump after Ruby as you fall after her you reach out your hand which she takes as you hold her princess style before look at the falling rock.

"Ruby hold on tight" you tell her as she tightens her hold as your body becomes full of lightning and you begin jumping off the rocks with incredible speed shocking everyone as you jump on to the bridge and set Ruby down as Goodwitch repairs the broken section. You down stay long before giving Ruby a smile with a slight wink before walking away as her uncle noticed your arms and looks at Ozpin.

Back at team (FL)LDE

Dean was check his gear, Lucy was playing video games and Elizabeth was reading a book before you enter and they look at you. "So ready for the tournament" Dean asked as you walk over to your bed and sit on it.

"You now it after all we trained to hard to go back now" you say catching smiles from Lucy and Elizabeth before you walk over to the closet and begin to change you top allowing your team to see that what ever happened to your arms was slowly spreading to your body. "Dude listen we think you should rest or take it easy until the tournament" Dean says which makes Lucy and Elizabeth stop what they were doing to look at you as you smile.

"Listen I know your worried about me but I need to show people the real me and not some fake" you tell them as the sigh before smiling at you before you change your top and the four of you head out to eat a meal with team RWBY and JNPR. As you and your team arrive at the restaurant you see they saved the four of you some places Dean was sat between Nora and Weiss, Lucy between Ren and Jaune, Elizabeth was between Blake and Pyrrha while your sat between Yang and Ruby as you all sit down and begin to talk and laugh.

"Ok everyone I have something to say no matter what happens in the tournament whether our teams win or lose nothing will come between our friendship but that's not to say team (FL)LDE will go out without a fight" you say as everyone smiled at your words before you sit down only to get a kiss on the cheek from Ruby. As the night went on the twelve of you have fun before the tournament tomorrow everyone soon begins to leave until it was just you and Ruby before you both begin to leave while walking you reach for something in your pocket before stopping and remove your hand while walking with Ruby.

"So he is the one she is interested in" someone said from the shadow while watching you and Ruby walking and talking. "I'll give him this he doesn't ever let his gaurd down" another person said as they both disappear leaving you and Ruby.

Back at Beacon

"So Mercury, Emerald what do you think of him" a woman with black hair said as she sat on a bed looking at them. "Not really sure of his power yet but he knows how to fight even when he was with his friends he never dopped his gaurd" Mercury said as Emerald stands next to him looking out the window watching as you and Ruby return.

"Cinder why are you interested in him" Emerald asked as Cinder smiles at her question before giving a light chuckle. "Easy because he is my new toy but don't worry by the end of this little tournament that toy will be the greatest weapon we have" Cinder says as Mercury and Emerald smile before heading to bed.

To you and Ruby

You and Ruby are walking through the halls of Beacon before reaching Ruby's dorm room and she enters allowing you to head to your dorm. "I lost my nerve oh well next time maybe" you say to yourself before grabbing your chest and fall to your knees with sweat running down your face before falling unconscious on the floor.

In your head

"Where am I" you asked looking round only to see nothing but open space before noticing two figures one cloaked in white and the other cloaked in black but as you moved closer you start to see their faces it was you but it looked like your human side and your grimm side fight before you fall through the floor and into the void.

Outside your head

You wake up screaming covered in sweat before noticing your in your dorm room with your team around you. "(FN) you ok" Dean asked as you look at them before telling them about what you saw as the room goes silent.

"So you think that your body is rejecting your grimm side at the same time the grimm side is rejecting your human side" Dean said before you nod. "(FN) we need to pull out of the tournament we need to find a way to stop this before it tares your body apart" Dean tells you before you just look at him before saying "we will not pull out not after all the training we have done" as Lucy and Elizabeth look at each other and agree with you as Dean sighs in defeat and you all head to bed.

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