Vol.3 The awakening

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It had been a whole month since your fight with Dean and you had still not woke up and your temperature kept getting higher and higher your team do their best to keep you stable. "How is he" Dean asked as he sat next to Lucy as she changed your towel before looking at you.

"He is stable for now but I don't know for how much longer" Lucy said as Dean looks at you pale as ghost looking like you were knocking on the door of the grim reaper before holding Lucy's hand. "He will be ok after all he's are leader" Dean said as he noticed a smile appear on Lucy's face as she leans on his shoulder.

In your mind

Your walking through a hallway just like at Beacon but no windows or doors just a light as you keep walking and walking before the light begins to get bigger and bigger and soon you find yourself in a large room with statues of your team and friends. "Ok this is crazy but I must be here for some reason" you said before looking back to see the way you came in was gone before look at the statues before the floor begins to crumble and soon fall into another room this time you see two door.

As you walk closer two people begin to emerge from the shadows on the left was Ruby and on the right was Salem before you stop and look at them. "Ruby and Salem but why" you asked as they begin to walk towards you.

"(FN) you need to look into yourself to find the right door" Ruby said as she holds your hand before Salem does the same. "(FN) you want power, you want justice and you want vengeance for what I did to your village right than choose my door and you will have the power" Salem said into your ear as you look at her door before begining to walk towards it as your hand grabbed the handle Ruby speaks.

"(FN) don't open her door if you do your heart will turn dark and cold like hers and that's not who you are I have seen the real you, your kind and gentle so don't become a monster please" Ruby said as you look at her before letting go of the handle and stepping back as Salem came next to you. "What are you doing the power you seek is in there" Salem tells you as the doors disappear and energy begins to surround your body as you look at Ruby with a smile.

"Your right Ruby I'm not a monster and never will be" you say as both Ruby and Salem disappear before you close your eyes before opening them and seeing your grimm side and human side before the three of you begin to merge in a beam of blue light.

Outside your mind

Dean and Lucy were sitting with Tyson and Elizabeth eat breakfast before hearing a loud explosion and head to where it came from only to find it came from your room but you were gone. "Where is (FN)" Dean asked as everyone looked over the whole mountain but couldn't find you.

"This is crazy he couldn't move and no one saw him leave so where is he" Lucy asked as they all looked at the top of the mountain before Elizabeth sees something in the distance in the village. Tyson and your team run to the village and soon stop at what they saw you were standing up with blue energy surrounding your body as your hair and eye glow blue before you look at them and smile.

"Holy crap (FN) is that you" Dean asked in pure shock as you walk over to them. "Yeah it's strange this power is like something else and yet it feels normal to me" you say as you begin to move with ease as Tyson steps forward in surprise before hugging you as you hug back.

"I'm glad your ok" Tyson said before the energy disappears and your hair returns to it's normal colour as you separate. "Some you can control it now" Tyson asked as you nod before showing them you reactivating that same energy as your hair and eye glow blue again before changing back.

"Ok that is AWSOME" Lucy yelled the last part as your team hugs you before all of you head back to the cave and meeting the elders again and showing them your new form. "This is most unexpected we knew you would awaken your power but not this soon" Jack said as you bow your head in respect before speaking.

"Thank you for training me and my team but I need to head back to Beacon and claim what belongs to me" you as the elders bow in respect to you as well. "We understand but we ask that you hear a final message from your parents that Tyson has for you" Charlotte said as you turn to Tyson and listen.

"First of all I am your uncle and your father is my little brother his semblance allowed him to blend in with humans so he looked human but he soon met your mother and soon he fell in love" Tyson said before you speak. "So I was always half grimm" you asked as Tyson nods before he continues with his message.

"He knew it was not fair to keep lying to her so he showed his real form to her but an amazing thing happened she didn't run but instead accepted him and soon had a child of their own and it made them so happy but after you had to leave your village and they grew sick I met them one last time" Tyson said as tears begin to flow from his face. "They said to me when I met you to love you with all my heart and to show you that you still have family and I understand if you hate me for not being there for you" Tyson said as you stand up and walk over to him before dropping to your knees and hugging him tight as tears flow from your eyes.

"I could never hate you uncle I feel glad that you honoured my parents last wishes thank you" you says as the room soon filled with the sound of you and your uncle crying as the others all got tears in their eyes before you stop crying and stand up and begin to head off and pack with your team.

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