Vol.3 Light and darkness

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Your P.O.V

It was the next day and I was getting ready to begin my training before Dean walks up to me. "Hey dude listen don't forget who you are" Dean tells me as I walk past him with a smile on my face before leaving the cave and heading to the top of the mountain.

"You came good first come and sit" Tyson tells me as I sit on the mat in front of me before he opens his eyes. "Today we are going to release your mind" Tyson told me as I nod before closing my eyes as he speak.

"Now envision a door and walk through it" Tyson said as I did as he asked and visualized a door and walked through it. "Now tell what you see" he asked me as my mind looked round the room I was in.

"I see a field of flowers and I'm sitting under a tree in the shade" I say as a smile breaks out on my face. "What do the flowers look like, their colour and are you alone" Tyson asked as I looked closer.

"The flowers are red roses and I'm alone no wait there is a girl sitting next to me" I tell him before the person becomes clear. "It's Ruby but wait something is not right the flowers are gone I can see my friends on the ground with someone standing over them" I tell Tyson as I try to get closer to the figure covered by shadows before my eyes shoot open.

"Who was it" Tyson asked as he stood next to me. "It was me I killed them no it was like my body was there but not my mind" I say as Tyson helps me to my feet.

Your P.O.V ends

"What you saw was your inner fear given shape but that is good because now your fear of becoming a monster will be your test you must fight your demon or lose yourself only then will your first lesson be done" Tyson said before leaving to go inside as you stand looking out into the clear blue sky before sitting back on the ground and closing your eyes. Tyson was walking back into the cave before another grimm walks up to him.

"You sure he is ready normally we strengthen our minds before doing this" the grimm said as Tyson smiled before sitting at the cave enterance. "Believe me Nick I wish we were but you saw his power from his rage he is both a danger to others and himself and if he is left like that he will die but he will over come this I know it" Tyson says as Nick sits with him as they wait.

You remain motionless allowing the wind to blow past you while you search for your inner grimm before appearing in a wasteland with your inner grimm waiting there with a smile on his face.

"So you finally came about time what do you think I plan on making the real world like this" grimm (FN) said as you walk closer to it before standing face to face. "I will not let you hurt the people I love" you says as he gives a wicked smile before you send him flying with a punch and soon run at him and begin punching him over and over.

"How does it feel to be the monster you hate let me tell you a little secret once I have control that little Ruby will never love you after all who could love a monster" grimm (FN) as you feel your anger rising before you calm down and step back allowing him up. "I get it now your not my fear but the other half of me I supressed for years" you say as it chuckles before looking at you.

"Yeah I was always in here but you always shut me out but at the tournament you saw your two sides and understood but that was only half but now you have the full picture" gimm (FN) said as you smile and shake it's hand as the wasteland begins to change back into the field of flowers as the both of you fuse in a flash of light.

You begin to move your body to stand up before Tyson, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth run to the top of the mountain to see if you were ok before seeing you standing before you turn round slowly and open your eyes and they are red like a grimm before they change back. "I understand final have the picture I'm neither grimm or human but a symbol that grimm and human can live together" you say as Tyson smiled as you fall to the ground and begin to snore.

"It seems he as passed the first gate he has come far in just one day" Tyson said as your team carry you back to your room as Tyson talked to Nick. "Tyson the elders believe he is the one that will set the world right and take the throne" Nick said as Tyson lost his smile and looks at him.

"If he is then I will help him on his journey I shall not break the promise I made to John and Maria" Tyson said as he begins walking with Nick. "When are you going to tell him" Nick asked as Tyson stops in his tracks and looks from the corner of his eye at your door.

"When his training is done" Tyson replied as Nick watched his friend walk away in silence.

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