Vol.5 Battle of worlds (Part 1)

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You and Ruby were asleep in your room together before Yang wakes you both up. "Rise and shine love birds" Yang said as you open your eyes before sitting up as Ruby did the same.

"Yang we don't need to be up early" you say before giving her a yawn. "Professor Ironwood wants to see us" Yang says before you and Ruby nod and quickly get dressed before heading to Ironwood.

"Yang, Blake and Weiss can I speak with you three a second" you asked as the others enter Ironwoods office. "What you need to talk about" Blake asked as you look them in the eyes.

"We are on going to have a war with a person who is strong and can't die" you tell them as they nod. "We know so what" Weiss said as you take a deep breath.

"This will not end the way Ruby and the others think because if I can't stop Salem from getting the core then I will need to destroy it killing myself in the process but you three can't tell the others not a word" you told them before they watch you walk into the office. "Ok everyone here good our scouts have located Salem and she seems to have one of the relics which means we have three of them but she is approaching towards Atlas" Ironwood said as he pulled a hologram up in front of you.

"We have to head to her with the relics" you say as Ironwood slams his hand on the table. "Are you crazy Ozpin made this group you all became apart of to keep the relics out of Salem's hands" Ironwood said as you look him in the eyes. "I know that but think if we leave even on relic in Atlas she will just keep coming trust me at least we can keep them safe if they are with us" you say before everyone looks at Ironwood.

"No we will keep the relics here and that is final" Ironwood said before you leave the room as everyone keeps talking about a plan. "Iron wood has no idea on the power he is facing" you say as your walking down the halls of Atlas academy before you see Winter Schnee leaving a room before walking over and manage to sneak in.

As you look round you see only a woman who soon noticed you and welcomes you over with a smile as you go and sit next to her. "Hello there your not supposed to be here" the woman said as you nod before noticing she was out of tea and made her a fresh one.

"Thank you I can tell your a kind lad so why are you so down" the woman asked as you wipe your face and sigh. "I just can't deal with all that's going on Salem is coming for your relic which is putting others in danger" you said as the woman's eyes widen in surprise. "So you know who I am" the woman says before you nod as she smiled.

"In that case my name is Fria the winter maidan" Fria says as you smile at her. "My name is (FN) (LN)" you tell her as you both begin talking.

"(FN) would you like me to help you" Fria says as you nod before you carefully help her out of her bed and you both leave the room as she guides you to the Atlas relic. After walk down a couple floors you and Fria stand at the vault for the winter maidan as Fria placed her hand on the vault the door opens before you walk in and take the staff of creation before escorting Fria back to her room.

You place Fria in her bed before going to leave the room until she speaks. "Tell me what will you do now" Fria asked as you close your eyes before opening them again.

"I'm taking the relics and face Salem alone because I won't drag innocent people into his battle" you tell her as you left the room and head towards your room to grab the lantern and the sword. After you grab the last two relics you equip them to your backpack and leave Atlas.

[Salem we will end this] you thought as you get into an empty airship and fly away from Atlas. Meanwhile Ruby and the others had left Ironwoods office and were going to check on you but as they enter your room they don't see you before noticing both relics were gone and soon Blake and Weiss look at Yang.

"Yang you don't think" Blake questioned but she already knew what you had done before Ruby looks at Yang. "Yang what is Blake talking about" Ruby said as the whole gang just look at them.

"(FN) has gone to face Salem with the other relics but if Salem gets the core he plans to destroy it but it will" Yang said before tears formed in her eyes as Weiss took over. "Ruby if the core is destroyed then (FN) will die" Weiss said as Ruby's eyes widen before running out of the room leaving the gang before they run after her.

Ruby heads for the nearest airship as the gang get on board and try to help her before Penny, Winter and Ironwood get on board. They all take off after you in the hopes of giving some aid in this battle.

Meanwhile you had reached Salem's location and land as Salem and her followers stop before you exit the airship with the relics on your back. "Oh thank you for bringing them to me" Salem said as she holds he hand out as she calls you over but you don't move before taking a fighting a fighting stance.

"I'm not giving you these relics Salem" you say before you activate your new power as your hair glows blue. "This Salem is my new power this is god mode" you say before she gives you a devilish smile.


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