Vol.2 Tournament begins

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It was the day of the tournament your team where sitting in the waiting room your listening to just like fire while looking at a little red box in your hand as Dean walked over to you. "Hey what is that dude" Dean asked as you smile before putting the box in your locker and walk towards the door as your team is called.

"It's game time" you say as your team begins to enter the arena as cheers could be heard before people boo you as team RWBY and JNPR look round only to see you still smiling as Cardin's team enters and people cheer again. "Look at this my teams got an easy match" Cardin said as you look at Cardin as your side turns to mountain and Cardin's turns to desert before the match begins.

You quickly rush at Cardin and kick him into the desert zone while your team deals with his team. "Got to say your got guts but facing me is a mistake" Cardin said as he grabs his mallet and swings it down at you but you jumb back before springing back at him and punch him in the jaw.

"Cardin I know your style all power no speed but me I focus on my speed so lets see if you can keep up" you say as Cardin swings his mallet again but you just keep jumping back. Ruby watches as you dodge attack after attack while watching she noticed the smile on your face which makes her smile and blush which Yang noticed.

"Something you like sis" Yang said which caught Blake and Weiss attention as they look at her. "It's not like that Yang it's just look at (FN) he is being booed but even so he never loses his smile he is just amazing" Ruby tells them as they all smile at her answer before looking back to you.

You keep dodging the attacks before punching Cardin into the air before he comes crashing to the ground. "Oh come on Cardin at least try" you say before Cardin throws a punch at you which grazed your neck as you jump back with a smile before seeing Cardin smile as well.

You soon begin to feel dizzy and stumble around while trying to keep your balance before you touch the slight cut on your neck. "Cardin what did you" you asked before Cardin walks closer and closer before swinging his mallet and knocks you to the ground and Cardin leans next to you.

"You like it this little beauty was given to me by a woman at first I was against using it but she said it wouldn't kill you just put you to sleep so I win" Cardin whispers to you before kicking you away and soon begins walking towards you again.

"You know what after I'm done that little girlfriend of yours will be coming over to my team after all she needs a real man" Cardin said as you feel your anger building before seeing him look towards Ruby and wink at her. "CARDIN STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER" Yang shouts as Cardin laughs before blowing Ruby a kiss.

"Oh look at that face but maybe your little slut will enjoy a good time tonight and yes my team will be there as well" Cardin says before your eyes turn grimm before black aura erupts from you causing Cardin to slowly back away and your team and Cardin's team to stop as everyone looks at you standing up. Everyone watched as your skin turns completely black as white bone armour covers your body as the aura dies down before everyone stares at you before you begin walking towards Cardin.

"Stay back" Cardin says in fear but you don't stop walking towards him his team rushed to his aid but as they jump at you but in a split second they fall to the ground unconscious as people begin to gasp as you stand in front of Cardin. "Tell me Cardin what did you plan to do to Ruby" you asked as Cardin tries to jump out of bounds only for you to grab him slam him into the ground.

"I'm sorry forgive me" Cardin says in pure fear as fire covers your fist and you pull it back ready to attack. "Dean we need to stop him" Elizabeth but Dean stops her and Lucy as they watch as you punch the ground next to Cardin's head before leaning down to him.

"I'm a lot of things Cardin but I'm not a moster oh and never insult Ruby again" you say before walking away as your team is announced as the winner but you stop as people begin to throw things at you before the teachers step in and you begin walking towards the waiting room. As your waiting Ruby enters and you look away as she sat next to you but you don't look at her before feeling her hand on your cheek as she turns your head to face her.

"Ruby don't look at me I'm a monster now" you say as you close your eyes but Ruby just kisses you forcing your eyes open before splitting apart. "Your not a monster and you my boyfriend what ever this is it's part of you" Ruby says as you smile before thinking.

"That's it" you said as you stand up in front of Ruby with a smile on your face. "What is it" Ruby asked as you smile at her and explain.

"It's was you what you said was the answer I was looking for I have been struggling with who I am human or grimm but I'm neither but both and that's why I they were fighting in my head so if I accept them" you say as you begin to glow and soon your begin to turn back to your normal self but this time with no grimm on your body. "I am complete now and something tells me that I have just evolved" you say with a smile before you hug Ruby and soon the others walk in and join you.

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