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Ruby, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth meet up at the transport station ready to set out for Vale and hopefully find their friend. "Ruby listen when we find (FN) he will push us away but he is lost in the darkness of his past" Dean said as Ruby nods before they get on the transportship and head for Vale.

In Vale

You are walking through the streets in your normal clothes not looking at anyone before a small ball hit your foot and you look to see 4 small children playing before you pick it up and pass it to them before walking away with no emotion on your face. "It's for the best I get home after all I have nothing to do" you says your turning a corner before seeing a transportship arriving but just keep walking home.

As the transport ship lands Ruby, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth get out and begin looking around before walking down some steps before standing in a market. "Ok Ruby and Lucy you two will take the north and west side me and Elizabeth will take the east and south side" Dean said as they nod before splitting up.

Dean and Elizabeth see a lot of people smiling having fun before stopping at a nearby pub and walk in and head for the bar. "Can I help you" the barkeeper said as Dean sits down and reached into his coat pocket.

"Tell me have you seen this man" Dean asked the barkeeper as he showed your picture to him. "Yeah I've seen him but he was a lot more down than I've seen him before" the barkeeper said as he cleans a glass before placing it under counter.

"Do you know where he lives" Dean asked as the barkeeper nods before telling Dean and Elizabeth that if they take a right and go straight there is a house in the middle of the forest. Dean grabs his scroll and sends Lucy a message about where to go before he and Elizabeth run out the pub and head straight for your house.

After a couple of hours Dean, Elizabeth, Lucy and Ruby arrive at your front door before knocking on the door but no answer. "Could he be out" Lucy asked as Dean knocks again but still no answer only to noticing that it was getting dark and decided to head back into town and stay in a inn near the forest and try tomorrow.

As they were walking a Beowolf was chasing some of the towns people who were run Ruby runs over and pushed the Beowolf away from a group of kids as Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth rush to her aid before a man dressed in black with a black wrapped around his head leaving his eyes exposed appears before them. "You 4 should stay back" the mystery man said as the Beowolf jumps at him but he shoots one of it's arms off as it fell to the ground before his gun turns into a sword and he cuts it in half before leaving.

Ruby was about to speak before hearing the kids say "WOW" "I can't believe we got saved by the Shade" the kids said as Dean kneels down to them. "Hey who's the Shade" Dean asked as the kids looked at him confused.

"How can you not know the Shade he is the one protecting Vale while the huntsmen and huntress are busy we thought he left but he reappeared yesterday" one of the kids explained before they ran back home leaving Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth with many questions before Ruby spoke.

"We found him (FN)" Ruby said as Dean, Elizabeth and Lucy noticed before putting it all together. They all go to the inn and get a room to get some rest not knowing they were being watch from a far.

"Why did they come here" you say before disappearing into the night read for what every may come tomorrow but not noticing Ruby looking at you from the window before she left to follow you. A couple hours later your walking home after searching the town for more grimm only to get grabbed on the arm and pulled into a hug a you look you see Ruby holding you tight.

"Miss I sure your grateful to me for something but the Shade needs you to let go" you say staying in character only for her hold to tighten. "You can drop the act (FN) please" Ruby said as she lets go of you and you remove you face cover and look at her.

"Why are you here Ruby actually why are you and my former team here" you asked in a low and gental voice as Ruby smiles. "We came to bring you back to Beacon" Ruby says wiping the tears away as you look at her with a sad look on your face.

"Ruby you can stay at my place for the night but tomorrow you and the other go back to Beacon" you say before Ruby follows you to your house and you both enter. As Ruby walked in she could see a lot of mess had piled up as you walk past her before stopping and pull out a brown leather trunk and put your weapon in it before removing you shirt and face cover and place it in there as well allowing Ruby to see your back and all the scars.

"Before you ask no they are not from grimm but my village" you say before putting on a white shirt and looking at Ruby. "This is my curse Ruby hated by everyone, punished for living and that's why I left Beacon it's what'sbest for everyone" you say before seeing Ruby touch you cheek causing you to face her as tears form in your eyes at how she was treating you after a few minutes you stop crying and lead her to the guest room before you head to your room and fall asleep.

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