Vol.4 A return

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Beacon was still under reconstruction with Goodwitch over seeing things. "We still have so much to rebuild" Goodwitch as she looked over the plans for the academy before professor Port runs over to her.

"Glynda we have a group asking to see you" Port said as Goodwitch heads over to were four people were waiting for her. "How may I help you as I'm very busy" Goodwitch asked as the group wearing black cloaks look ar her.

"Well I was hoping you could tell me where the relic is" the person asked as Goodwitch pulls out her wand. "Not a chance now who are you" Goodwitch asked pointing her wand at the group.

Soon her wand was gone and in the hands of the person who spoke before he hands it back to her and removed his hood to shock her. "Long time no see professor Goodwitch miss us" you say as Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth remove their hoods as well before you look round and soon feel the relic calling out to you before walk to the arena.

Your team and Goodwitch follow you before you stop and place your hand on the ground and soon the centre of the arena begins to glow and watch the sword of destruction rise before you walk over to it and grab it. "Ok we have it know we are off to Atlas" you say as you and your team begin to leave before Goodwitch stops you.

"The relic must stay here" Goodwitch says as you just walk through the wall she built with her semblance before the four of you disappear. A few miles away you and your team reappear from the shadows thanks to Dean before you look at the sword.

"Ok now our side has two of the four relics now we can head for Atlas" you say while looking at your team before seeing Dean have a smile on his face. "So you ready to see Ruby again" Dean said as you smile with a blush on your face before you all begin to head for the port in Argus.

On the way you walk through Hazen and discover that a battle between some people and the white fang took place before you all continue towards Argus before you and your team stop half way to take a break. "So Ruby and the others were in Hazen but were did they go" Dean asked as you sit down before handing him some water.

"I didn't sense a relic which means they have it and right now it's coming from Argus so they must be heading for Atlas as well" you tell them before you all stand up and head for Argus. After walking for miles you and your team reach Argus and begin looking round before you bump into a blonde woman and cause her to drop her shopping.

"I'm so sorry here let get that for you" you tell her as you begin grabbing her shopping for her as she helps and soon all her shopping is collect. "Thank you my name is Saphron Cotta-Arc" Saphron said as you look at her before thinking.

"Hold on Arc you don't happen to be related Jaune Arc do you" you asked as she nods. "Yes he is my little brother" Saphron said as you tell her about how you now Jaune.

"Oh so your a friend of his he is actually at my home at the moment if you want to meet him" Saphron tells you as you nod before following her to her home and soon you see a woman open the door with a kid in her arms. "This is my wife Terra Cotta-Arc and our son Adrian Cotta-Arc" Saphron says as you shake Terra's free hand and smile at Adrian.

"Nice to meet you Terra and Adrian my name is (FN) (LN) this is Dean Mcree, Lucy Manson and Elizabeth Scarlett we are friends of Jaune" you say as Terra gives you a smile. "Nice to meet you but Jaune and the others are out at the moment but they should be back soon" Terra said as Saphron heads to the kitchen to prepare dinner before you walk over to her.

"Would you like some help" you asked as Saphron looks at you with a smile. "Oh that would be lovely thank you" Saphron before you wash your and begin to help Saphron cook while your team talks with Terra and a few hours pass before Jaune and the others return to find food on the table.

"Oh man sis this looks good" Jaune said nearly drooling at the sight of the food on the table. "Well thank you Jaune I had a little help from a friend of yours" Saphron said as Jaune and the others looked confused before hearing people coming from the kitchen before you and your team enter with plates, Knives and forks before smiling at the others.

"Hey guys missed us" Dean says as Jaune and the others all begin hugging you and your team and soon you notice Ruby staring at you before walking over to her. "Ruby" you say in a soft voice before placing a hand under her chin allowing you to lift her head to meet your before giving her a kiss on the lips while everyone watched.

"Missed you so much" you tell her as she blushed before kissing you again as you pick her up before Yang, Weiss and Blake walk over to you and give you a hug. After a couple of minutes you all sit down to eat before talking about heading to Atlas together which everyone agreed as you got to know abit about Oscar and what Ruby's group learned about Ozpin and Salem before you all head off to get some sleep.

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