Vol.3 The call

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It had been a few days since the fall of Beacon the teachers are trying their best to fix the school but the student hear that professor Ozpin is missing.

"(FN) hey wake up" Dean said as you begin to wake up and you look round to find yourself on the couch before Lucy walks in with a glass of water. "Oh my head" you say holding your head before taking a drink of water.

"That will teach you to drink so much" Elizabeth said as you nod at her statement before putting your glass down. "Come on dude it's been a few days now and all you do is go drinking" Dean tells you before sitting next to you as Lucy does the same.

"Listen I know I can't keep drink but at the moment it's all I can do" you tell them as you look down at the floor. "Have you been to see Ruby and Yang" Lucy asked as you don't stop looking at the floor before Elizabeth placed a hand on your shoulder.

"No I just don't know what to say I mean Yang probably hates me and Ruby well after what happened I don't deserve her love" you tell them before looking at them only to see Dean stand up. "Well I did and I managed to ask Ruby about you and she told me that she wants to see you again" Dean tells you before shaking your head and standing up and walk out the front door.

"I'll go after him" Elizabeth said before leaving after you while Dean and Lucy sat in silence. You keep walking down the reaching a small pond and sit on a nearby bench before seeing Elizabeth walk next to you and sit next to you as well.

"You come here a lot" Elizabeth says as you look out of the corner of your eye at her before taking a deep breath. "How did you know" you asked her as she looks at you before looking back to the pond.

"After Beacon fell you went to a bar and when you didn't come back I went looking for you but on the way I saw you sitting here looking at that same pond" Elizabeth explains as you look away before giving a little chuckle. "I come here because it's all I have left of my parents we would come here and feed the ducks" you tell her as you both smile before standing up and head home.

On the walk back Elizabeth looks at you and smiles as you both reach your front door before entering where Dean and Lucy were waiting for you. "I'm sorry I know your trying to help it's just I have so much on my plate the fall of Beacon, professor Ozpin missing and not to mention other things" you say as you sit down on your couch and rub your eyes before feeling a hand on your shoulder.

"We know it's tough but look your not alone you have use not to mention Ruby and the others so if this weight is to heavy to handle then we will help" Dean tells you as Lucy and Elizabeth smile at the comment as you stand up and hug them. "Thanks all of you and I think it's time I told you for the past few days I have been hearing a voice calling me and I think it's time I answered" you tell them as you soon notice them look at each other and then back at you.

"Well lets go after we are a team" Dean said as you look at them surprised before seeing them all in agreement before you smile at them in defeat. "Ok then let rest and leave in the morning" you tell them before you all enjoy the rest of the day before heading to bed but while your team sleeps you are packing your things in the bright moonlight.

The next day

Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth are standing outside your house with their backpacks waiting for you before your door opens and you step out in dark blue jeans, red sneakers, white t-shirt and a black leather jacket before you lock the door and begin to walk with your team heading north of Vale. As your walking away from Vale you look back before looking away from it which caught Dean's attention as he walks next to you.

"You ok" Dean asked as you look at him before smiling as you all stop and take a break. "Yeah just reminds me about how hard it was for me and my parents when we had to leave our village" you tell him as you take a sip of some water before you all continue on your journey.

Not to far from you

"You sure you guys want to come with me to Haven" Ruby asked as Jaune, Nora and Ren nod before team RJNR head off for Haven. Ruby and you were now on your own paths to discover what Cinder and her group are planning and who they are working for.

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