Lost Hope

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You, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth are sitting in class but your eyes were focused on Ruby which caught Yang's attention before hearing the bell go off and you all head for lunch. As you enter the dining room and see a lot of different things to have before just picking 2 apples as you are walking over to your team you see Cardin picking on a faunus named Velvet pulling on her ears and laughing at her before walking over to them.

Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth watched you walk over to Cardin and talk to him. "Hello Cardin having fun" you say while look at Velvet who was clearly in pain for her ears being pulled as you smash Cardin face first into his food.

"Oops sorry must of slipped" you says as Cardin lets go of Velvet and turns to face you anger clearly shown on his face as he goes to punch you but you dodge by rolling over to the table as Cardin's team tries to grab you but fail as you trip them into each other as Cardin jumps over the table. "Hey Cardin I think you need to take a bath" you said with a smile as everyone begins to laugh making Cardin even more mad as he begins to try and punch you but you just keep dodging before he grabs a metal tray and throws it but you dodge it before it hits Ruby in the face cutting her cheek.

As blood runs her cheek you feel your blood begin to boil as you turn to Cardin and punch him in the face sending him into the wall behind him and soon hold him there and punch his face over and over again as blood begins to appear on your knuckles before Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth pull you off Cardin. "(FN) stop your going to kill him" Dean says as he looks up and sees your eyes are black and red like a grimm before the three of them pull you back to the dorm.

"Hold him" Dean says as he runs over to your box and grabs a blue tablet before making you swallow it as your eyes turn back to normal. "What just happened" you asked before remembering what just happened as your eyes widen.

Elizabeth and Lucy let go of you as you walk over to your bed as the see the horror in your eyes. "Hey (FN) it's ok" Dean says as you fall to your knees and begin to cry as Lucy and Elizabeth run to your side.

"IT'S NOT OK IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN" you shout as Lucy and Elizabeth hug you as the tears come even harder. After about an hour you stop crying and fall asleep as Dean picks you up and placed you into bed before he, Lucy and Elizabeth leave you to sleep.

"Dean did you see how (FN) acted" Lucy asked as Dean nods as the 3 of them walk down the hall. "He has had it rough since he was a kid losing reject by his village, losing is parents not to mention the friends who avoided him he's been alone for almost his whole life" Elizabeth said which made them stop as they looked back before heading to the dining room to help clean up.

In your dorm

While your asleep on your bed you begin to toss and turn as images flash into your mind you begin to sweat before shooting up panting before looking round and soon grab your things and begin to leave the room with your stuff. As you run for the transport to Vale you look back at Beacon before getting on board and head back to Vale where you could be alone.

To Elizabeth, Dean and Lucy

Lucy was checking on Ruby and her team, Dean was cleaning up the table and chair which had food on them from your fight and Elizabeth was explaining to the teacher about what happened but keeps the part about you being half grimm out of it. "Oh man this took forever" Lucy said as Dean and Elizabeth sit in front of her.

"Hey would should get (FN) something to eat for when he wakes up" Elizabeth says as Dean gets up and grabs a plate of food before they head back to the dorm room. As they made it to the door and enter they soon see that your gone as Dean puts the food on a table and runs to team RWBY's dorm room to see if they had seen you as Lucy searched the grounds both returned with nothing.

"Where could he of gone we search all over Beacon and no sign of him" Elizabeth asked as Dean looks round the room and noticed your stuff was gone. "I think he went back to Vale" Dean says as they look at each other and are about to walk out the dorm room door as professor Ozpin stands there.

"Tell me you 3 where is your leader" Ozpin asked sipping a cup of tea as Dean looks at Elizabeth and Lucy before nodding. "Professor Ozpin we have something to tell you about" Dean said as he explained it all to Ozpin about you being half grimm and what happened to Cardin before Ozpin nods in understanding.

"I see well then as of this moment you 3 have a mission to find mr (LN) and bring him back" Ozpin says as he was about to leave before Ruby stands in front of him. "I want to go and find him as well" Ruby says as everyone looked at her in shock but Ozpin who had a smile on his face.

"Very well you may too miss Rose you leave first thing in the morning" Ozpin tells them before leaving as Ruby goes to her room ready to pack for the trip.

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