Vol.5 Battle of worlds (Part 2)

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Your standing a few feet away as Salem looked at you with rage in her eyes and a devilish smile on her face before hundreds of grimm walk in front of her before charging at you. The first grimm jumps at you but you quickly dodge it with a spin and punch it away before you backflip over a charging grimm and then grab a third grimm and throw it into the army of grimm around you.

"Well this is a surprise he is managed to defend himself against your grimm Salem" a posh man said as they watched you deal with grimm after grimm. "Trust me Arthur he is only a delay he will not stop" Salem said as she smiled at the fact you were getting tired.

[I can't keep this up I take one grimm out and two more take it's place] you thought before a beowolf claws slash through your side causing you to jump back while holding your wound. "You should just give us the relics after all that's all we want just hand them over and no one has to die" a tall man said as you look at the relics before removing your jacket and place the relics in the airship.

"If you want the relics you will have to kill me first so come at we with all you got" You say before rushing at them and punching the tall man in the jaw only to find it did nothing. "That's a shame" the man said before grabbing your body picks you up and slams you back first on to his knee before throwing you into the airship door.

As you look at him you see him shove two dust crystals into his arms before he charged up and begin punching you into the ground after thirty hits you lay on the floor as he walks towards the airship door but is soon stopped. He looks down and sees you holding his leg as thight as possible before he kicks you away but recover quickly and rush at him he blocked you from knocking him down but he soon sees you push him away from the airship.

"Well I'll be never thought I would see someone who could beat Hazel at a show of strength" Arthur said as he watched you kick Hazel off you and backflip on to your feet. "I have to admit your at quick adapting a sign of a true warrior" Hazel said a you stand while panting with blood running down your head.

"You have my respect as well I wish we could of met as friends" you say as he smiled before you both run at each other and begin exchanging blows. Hazel hits you with a right hook but you spin on your feet and hit him with an upper cut before he sweeps your feet but you land on your hands spin on them while kicking Hazel back until you both jump away as Hazel wipes blood off the corner of his mouth.

"All that work for a drop of blood" Hazel said with a smile as you smile before getting back to the fight. "Hazel seems to be enjoying this fight but it will end in his victory" Arthur said as he watched you block Hazel's punches as he did the same before he hears something and looks up to see a second airship before you and Hazel look up only for something to fall out of it.

After a few second you see Ruby falling towards you before catching her as she hugs you tight and the second airship lands before Yang, Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Oscar, Qrow, Winter, Penny and Ironwood run over to you. "Why are you all here" you asked as Ruby wipes your face.

"We came to back you up and I want to say I'm sorry" Ironwood said as you stand with Ruby and the others before seeing Salem step forward. "(FN) you have been fighting for others all your life now it's time for us to fight for you" Dean said as you look at everyone with smiles on their faces at Dean's words before looking at Salem.

"Salem we are the force that will stop you here and now" You tell her before holding Ruby's hand and soon everyone rushed into battle Salem sending wave after wave of grimm but to no success. You watch how your friends had improved Jaune had finally found his semblance not to mention his fight skills had improved but most of all was the team work each move flows into the next.

You slide under a Beowolf's claw before cutting down the middle with you sword before coming face to face with Hazel once again. "Lets finish what we started" you say as Hazel removed his jacket and shoves four dust crystals into his arms before charging at you but you dodge and kick his back before going god mode and punch Hazel a few feet away.

Hazel quickly looked up before seeing you suddenly appear in front of him and go for a kick to the face but he blocks and pushed you into the air before jumping up and goes for a punch but you use your flames to dodge before countering with a kick sending Hazel crashing into the ground. "I have to say that's some power however your limited where as I'm not" Hazel said before he shoves another four dust crystals into his arms as he goes for a punch but soon hits something hard.

Hazel soon moves back and sees your arms have gone a metalic blue before you rush him with a punch to the gut as he is pushed back before he saw your eyes glowing bright red as everyone was shocked at your new form. "What you see is the level past god mode with the power of a grimm and a god combined this is" you say as everyone listens to your final word.

"Demon god mode" you say before looking from the corner of your eyes at Salem who soon steps back slightly before you focus on the charging Hazel who is soon knocked out with a single blow. While everyone was unable to speak they soon hear people coming before seeing Raven Branwen followed by forces from Beacon, Atlas, Hazen and even the grimm you met on your journey before they stand behind you and look at Salem.

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