A monsters ball

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It had been a couple of days since incident with you and Ruby before everything calmed down soon you and Blake talking about books, you and Wiess were experimenting with dust, you and Yang practice together to improve your combat abilities as for Ruby well she kept away from all of you which made you a little sad that maybe you upset her or something. Yang noticed before walking away to the dorm room for team RWBY but as she reached the door she could hear Ruby talking so she carefully opens the door and sees Ruby going through her clothes before tossing them and scratching her head in frustration.

"Ah nothing looks good how can I ask (FN) to the dance with nothing good to wear" Ruby said as Yang closed the door and smile before heading back to you to tell you about what she heard. "Oh I see thanks Yang I have somewhere to be excuse me" you say before rushing off leaving Yang puzzled.

A couple hours later everyone was having dinner but Ruby noticed you were missing before she gets up and begins heading back to the dorm to hopefully find a nice dress in her draws. As Ruby enters her dorm room she noticed a package on her bed which she opens to find a bright red dress with a note.

The note

Dear Ruby

I heard you were looking for a dress so I bought you this red dress because it reminded me of you red like a rose and as beautiful as a ruby so I hope to see you at the Beacon ball tonight.

Signed X

End of note

[X who could that be] Ruby thought as she grabs the dress and looks at it before coming up with a couple of ideas of who it could be Yang, Weiss or Blake since they are her team but mainly Yang before she goes to get ready.

3 hours later the whole of Beacon were having a huge ball as the ball room filled with laughs and talking Yang, Wiess and Blake were standing with Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren talking before Jaune looks to see Ruby walking in they all stop talking and see Ruby in a bright red dress before she walks over to them. "Sis where did you get that" Yang said in surprise as Ruby smiled.

"Yang I know it's off you it was in our dorm room on my bed" Ruby said as everyone looks at Yang. "Ruby I didn't buy you that dress" Yang tells her as Ruby looks at Blake and Weiss who both say the same thing as Yang before they all hear the girls whistle as Dean and you enter making the group look to see Dean wearing a black suit with a red tie while you were wearing a white suit with a black tie before looking at Ruby and walking over to them as Lucy and Elizabeth join them Lucy wearing a yellow dress and Elizabeth wearing a pink dress.

"Hey Ruby you look good and might I say nice dress" you say as Ruby blushed before Yang pulls you aside to talk to you. "Ok spill did you buy that dress for my sister" Yang asked as you smile before nodding and walk back over to the group before you all start having a nice time.

3 hours later

You and Ruby were sitting down watching people dance while you had some punch before you notice Jaune walking up to Pyrrha in a dress which made you laugh so hard you drop you punch. "Oh man" you say before walking over to the punch bowl and get some more punch as a woman with long black hair and yellow eyes walks away before you take a sip and notice that same woman leaving before you follow her outside and round the corner as her dress turns into a body suit as you speak out.

"Excuse me miss but can I ask what would bring a lady like you out here when there is a nice party inside" you asked while holding your punch as she turns to look at you with a smile. "Getting back to my mission but don't worry I'm not going to kill you because deed is done and so are you" the woman said as you drop the punch and old your chest as she leaves and you rush back to the ball.

You make it to the entrance and see people heading for some punch as you fall to the ground with a loud crash which Ruby noticed before rushing over to you Ozpin did the same. "Mr (LN) are you alright" Ozpin asked as you weakly look up at him and Ruby.

"P...Poison in t...the p...punch d...don't d...dr...drink" you stutter before collapsing as Ozpin gets Goodwitch to stop the rest of the students from getting any of the punch as they rush you to the infirmary. After a couple of hours you wake up to find Ruby next to you before waking her up and she gives you a warm hug before you hug her back as she cries as you smile and soon see Ozpin walk in.

"Mr (LN) you did well protecting the students" Ozpin says as you look at him before separating from Ruby. "Professor Ozpin I can tell your not telling us everything" you say as Ruby looks at Ozpin.

"We did find a poison in the punch however it seems it was made to destroy grimm who ever put it in the punch knew you were half grimm" Ozpin says as you soon cough up blood while Ruby holds you. "So what will happen to me now" you asked as Ozpin smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"You will be ok we managed to get a cure and it is on it's way from Atlas you are able to walk around but don't push yourself" Ozpin said as he walks towards the door only to stop before opening it. "Mr (LN) thank you for warning us and please take care" Ozpin says before leaving as you smile before going back to sleep as Ruby sits next to you with a smile.

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