Vol.3 A past message

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You, Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth had left Vale 3 week ago and were currently resting on a clear field but you just keep looking at the map. "We have been tavelling for 3 week and nothing maybe we missed a turning" Lucy said as you just keep staring at the map before you jump and run over to a nearby hill as your team followed until you stop and hold the map up and look to the distance.

"It can't be" you tell them before running down the hill towards the village as you all reach the entrance you look round only to find nothing but destroyed houses and empty streets as you fall to your knees as your team runs over to you. "Hey (FN) you ok" Dean asked before seeing tears fall down your face as Lucy and Elizabeth hug you tight but you just burst into tears and begin to cry as Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth look at you before you calm down.

"This place is my village where I was born but it's gone" you say as you wipe the tears away while Lucy, Dean and Elizabeth's eyes just widen before looking round. "Oh my god" Elizabeth said as you stand up before turning to face them.

"Lets look around maybe someone is still here" you tell them before you all start looking round the four of you search for about an hour only to find nothing only empty homes before Lucy calls you all over to an area full of graves. "I knew it they all dead I'm the last one from this village" you say before walking over to a grave and placing your hand on the soil.

"This grave is fresh the soil has only just been dug which means who ever it was is still here" you tell them before someone in a black cloak appears behind the four of you making you all jump before you look at the person. "Who are you? Are you the one burying my people?" you question the person before the person nods at your question before moving a little closer.

"Do not be frightened after all I was the one who called you here" the person says as you step forward as your team calmed down. "Why am I here" you asked as the person turns and begins to walk but you and your team begin following him until you reach a cave which leads the five you to the centre as 20 more people appear in black cloaks.

"Now I must welcome you to my village and earlier you asked my name it's Tyson but what I'm about to show you all is our villages secret" Tyson said as he removed his hood to reveal what he really looked like. "No way" Dean said in pure shock as Tyson was a grimm but he was standing and talking like a human before you watch the rest of the village do the same.

"Your grimm but walking and talking like humans how" you asked as Tyson sat down and you all did the same. "Long ago we were mindless grimm like our brothers and sisters but overtime we evolved and began to learn and soon found ourselves here after meeting your village" Tyson said as you looked at the ground before looking back at him.

"They were nice people we managed to get along with them they told us about the mistake they made a child of human given grimm blood was cast out but after they never forgave themselve for it and they gave me a message for you should you return" Tyson said as you could feel your heart tighten at the thought of your village final message before nodding. "They said he may not forgive us and we don't blame him but should he come back let him know we are sorry and if we could we would turn back the clock and stop him from leaving" Tyson told you as everyone saw tears flow down your face.

"Thank you for burying them with respect but tell me what happened" you asked as you watch Tyson stiffen before answering. "A woman who was human but now controls the grimm attack the village and slaughtered all of them her name was Salem" Tyson said as you go into your grimm mode and begin crack the ground beneath you with the force of your semblance making everyone nervous before calming down.

"Sorry about that" you say as Tyson walks over to you and hugs you. "It's fine after all that's happened we don't blame you and what you just did is something you have come far in your years" Tyson said as you both separate before you walk outside and down to the graves with him.

"You know even though they all cast me out I remember them so clearly the baker and his wife always gave me free bread for helping out, the chief would play games with me when he had time but now everyone is gone" you say as Tyson nods before you turn to face him. "I want to ask you to please train me and my team" you asked him as he looks at you with a smile before nodding.

"You will train tomorrow but something tells me you can push your limits and break through them but remember to have a goal that pushes you, someone you wish to protect and that will give you real power" Tyson said as you nod. "Good one more thing to remember rage is a double edge sword it can be used to protect people but it can also hurt the ones you want to protect" Tyson says as you both walk back to the cave to get some rest ready for tomorrows training.

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