Vol.4 In Captivity

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It was the next day and you were washing up before getting changed into some black jeans, white top with a black leather jacket and black shoes before walking out with your stuff packed and leaving with the others until you all come up to a road block which stops everyone from gettin to Atlas and soon you all decide to steal an Atlas ship.

"So this is the plan Ruby, Qrow, Oscar, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Elizabeth and Weiss will wait at this cliff while Yang, Lucy and Blake take out their scanners after that Dean and I wil steal the ship" you say before everyone nod as you all go and take your postions until Yang's team hits a snag.

"(FN) we can't wait much longer" Dean said as you wait before getting a signal from Lucy which makes you smile before Dean warps you inside before you both run to the ship and begin to take off to pick up the others and Yang, Blake and Lucy got on board. "What happened back there" you asked as Lucy sat on one off the seats.

"Adam ambushed us so it took a little longer but we killed him" Lucy tells you as you nod before set a course for Atlas but you soon feel see something in the water. Soon a huge grimm appears only for it to be Leviathan before seeing head towards Argus.

"We need to stop it the military doesn't have the fire power to defeat that thing" you say before changing course so you were heading back to Argus. "Dean take over" you tell him as you get out of your seat and walk to the door and open it as everyone looks at you and soon gasp except for your team as you jump out the ship and land on the grimm.

"Hey don't worry you guys because while we were gone we got stronger but (FN) did something even better he unlocked his inner power just watch" Lucy said with a smile on her face as you stood on the Leviathan and soon your blue energy surrounds you as your hair glows blue. Everyone watch in shock at your sudden change before you punch it and soon disappear and then reappear on the ship before everyone watched the leviathan turn to dust before looking at you as you took control of the ship and set a course for Atlas.

It was a long and silent flight to Atlas before you all reach Atlas before landing the ship and begin walking through the city of Mantle before you and Ruby a tackled to the ground. "Ouch this can only be one person" you say before seeing it was that person.

"Hello Penny" Ruby said as an old man in a wheel chair comes up to you all. "So you all know my daughter hey nice to meet you my name is Pietro" Pietro said as you tell him everyones names before a group of people jump down and kick you away from the group.

"WHAT THE HELL" you shout as you dodge an attack from behind as everyone was captured as you transform before standing still but as soon as an attack came you dodged like it was nothing before grabbing their arm and tossing them into each other your friends watched as you fight off five people single handed. After a couple of minutes of fighting the group of people surrender before you change back but are soon given an electric shock before falling to the ground.

A few hours later you wake up only to find yourself on a airship and in chains. "Hey where are my friends" you asked the pilot before seeing through the window at what looked like a base until the ship lands.

"Move" a soldier said as you walk off the airship and are escorted into the base and soon find yourself in a cell before seeing a man with white hair walk over to your cell. "I must say your are exactly as she said you would be" the man says as he looks at you.

"Who the hell are you and who is she" you asked as the man turns his back to you. "My name is Jacques Schnee and I'm sure Salem will enjoy knowing your in a cage" Jacques said as your eyes widen before you run at him only to be repelled by a grimm proof wall as Jacques smiled before walking away.

Meanwhile with Ruby and friends

Ruby and her friends were currently standing in a room with Ironwood before Ruby spoke up. "Um professor Ironwood can I ask were (FN) was taken" Ruby said as Ironwood looked at her confused before he spoke.

"Ms. Rose I have no clue who your talking about" Ironwood said everyone looked at Ruby before Penny began to give them a tour of Atlas. "Yang I have a bad feeling" Blake said as they walked together.

"General Ironwood was telling the truth which means someone else has (FN) and we re going to find out who" Yang said as they all continue the tour.

Back to you

Your standing in your so called cage before laying down on the bed and looking at the ceiling before you hear the growl of a grimm and look out to see every cell with a grimm inside. "Jacques what are you doing" you say as a soldier shocks a Beowolf as it screams you cover your ears and fall to the ground sweating and panting.

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