Vol.2 Tournament news

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It was the day after the Beacon ball and you managed to meet up with your team as you see Lucy crying her eyes out like waterfalls, Elizabeth had a slight tear in the corner of her eye and Dean hugs you while smiling before letting go. "Can't believe you alive after taking a grimm killing poison" Lucy said as she stops crying and looks at you before Dean grabs the collar of her school uniform and lifts her up.

"Lucy you can stop now after all he is still waiting for the cure to arrive" Dean tells her as you laugh before seeing Yang, Weiss, Ruby and Blake walking towards you with smiles on your face as Ruby jumps at you with a smile on her face. "Wow what is this for" you asked her as Ruby looks up to you.

"Oh just a thank you for the dress" Ruby tells you as you look at Yang who has a cocky grin on her face. "Well your welcome since were all here how about we all get something to eat my treat" you say as everyone cheers before you all head for a nice cafe but as you and Ruby turn the corner a girl with orange hair come running into the both of you.

"Ouch that hurt" you say before you hand squished something soft as you look down to see your hand on Ruby's breast which made you jump away. "R...Ruby I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that" you says as she got up and smiled with a slight chuckle.

"I'm sorry" the girl said as you look at her while dusting yourself off before smiling at her. "Not a problem my name is (FN) (LN) but please call me (FN) and this is Ruby Rose" you tell her as she shakes your hand.

"Salutations my name is Penny" Penny said as you smile as Ruby looked at her. "So Penny what made you come to Vale" you asked as she smiled before looking at you and Ruby.

"I came to take part in the tournament but at the moment I'm walking round" Penny said as you look at Ruby and then at Penny. "Hey Penny we are all going to get something to eat want to join us since your our new friend" you say before seeing Penny get close to you.

"What did you call me" Penny questions as you look nervously. "A friend" you say before she cheers and hugs you before the three of you walk back to the group and sit a nearby table outside.

At Beacon

Professor Ozpin is sitting at his desk going through some of the students training sessions to find out how things were going before the elevator activates and a man with walk in which makes Ozpin smile. "Hello there Ironwood how are things in Atlas" Ozpin said as Ironwood walks up to him with a smile.

"Things are good Oz but I have to ask why did you ask me to bring the cure for the grimm poison" Ironwood asked as Ozpin looked at him. "A student of Beacon is half grimm and needs it" Ozpin said as Ironwood hands him the cure.

"Oz things are getting worse grimm are showing up more often and in larger numbers" Ironwood said as Ozpin sighs before looking out the window. While Ozpin and Ironwood were talking you and the others were all eating and having fun.

"So Ruby what you girls going to do about the tournament" you asked while looking around the table. "Well we are going to enter and win" Ruby says almost jumping out of her seat as we all cheer and laugh at her one track mind before you cough up some blood Dean quickly gets next to you with Ruby as you didn't stop for a few minutes.

"Sorry everyone I'm going to head back to Beacon and get checked out" Dean say as you stand up and begin walking away before clutching your heart and fall to the ground as everyone rushed over to you. As Dean turns you over he noticed that you were struggling to breath before looking at Ruby before picking you up and rushing you to Beacon all the time Yang saw how hard this was on Ruby holding back her tears before giving her a hug.

"He'll be ok Ruby" Yang tells her as Ruby begins to cry. After Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth managed to get you to Beacon the teachers took you to the infirmary and began to give you the cure hoping it would help as Ozpin arrives outside and sits with your team.

After an hour Goodwitch walks out as your team and Ozpin stand up. "How is he Glynda" Ozpin asked as she looks at him and your team.

"He will be fine now the cure is doing it's job and destroying the poison in his system but he will be out for a few hours but even then he will miss the tournament as he will need a few days rest" Goodwitch said as Dean, Lucy and Elizabeth look through the window at you with sad looks on their faces. "I see in that case will you three look after him" Ozpin says as they nod before he and Goodwitch walk away in pure silence but Lucy and Elizabeth soon notice Dean clenching his fist.

"This is not fair (FN) has suffered enough but now he has to miss out on the tournament" Dean said as Lucy and Elizabeth faces change to match Dean. "I agree it's not fair on both him and Ruby after all he nearly died in front of her at the ball and now this" Elizabeth said as she, Dean and Lucy all walk into your room and sit next to you waiting for you to wake up.

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