Workout and First sight

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You turn in your bed before a ray of sunlight shines on your face and you wake up before seeing that your team is still asleep as you carefully get out of your bed and get dress in a black and red track suit and sneak out the door. "Ok I need to be very quiet" you whisper as you open your music pad and play the song Fighter (Glee cast) and begin running out of Beacon and soon reach the emerald forest before stopping and removing you track suit top and lay it on the ground before sitting on the ground.

"Ok focus (FN)" you say breathing in and out slowly before repeating it for a couple minute. You open your eyes and stand up before summoning fire into your hands as you send to blasts of fire into the air before they begin to fly back and you block them with and soon jump into the air and shoot lightning at the ground and spin while descending as you make a ring of fire and begin to have it move round your body while floating down to the ground.

As you reach the ground you stop using your semblance and breath heavy before noticing some Ursa walking past before one looks your way before walking away again as you put on your track suit top and run back to your room to shower before classes start. As you make it back to your room and enter you sigh before turning round to see your team standing there looking at you.

"Noticed you were gone so where did you go" Lucy said as she you were sweaty and tossed you a towl. "I went to the emerald forest to train" you tell them as you were about to head to the bathroom to shower as Dean stops you.

"Sorry dude but the water got turned off for maintenance but there is a pubic bath just outside the back" Dean said as you nod before heading off for the bath with your school uniform. You get to the public bath and get undress and get in the shower and get cleaned up you finish washing up and begin to step into the changing room before hearing the door open as you look and see Ruby and she sees you and blushed a light shade of pink.

"I...I'm s...sorry I d...didn't know s...somone w...w...was in here" Ruby stutters as she looks away and you do the same before noticing why. "Oh I sh...should of p...put a sign o...on the door here I'll just leave" you stutter with a light pink blush on your face as you take your stuff and head back to your room leaving Ruby and hoping she forgets what she saw.

As you make it back to your room and close the door your team looks at you before you slid down the door and Dean walks over to you. "Hey (FN) you ok" Dean asked as you look at him before standing up.

"I'm fine just a little embarressed is all" you say as Elizabeth looked at you before noticing you had come from the public bath and the blush on your face. "It was a girl right" Elizabeth said as your blush deepens as Lucy began to ask questions.

"Yes I was just about to change when Ruby rushed in and saw me topless" you say with a bright red blush on your face as Dean laughs. "Dude no need to be embarressed because a girl saw you topless" Dean says as you look at him before he noticed you look a little sick before you fall to your side which worried your team as they rushed to you and help you to your bed before you speak.

"Elizabeth can you pass me the black box in my bag" you say as Elizabeth grabs the box and hands it to you before you open it and take a bottle of green pill and take one as you start to look a little better. "Sorry you lot had to see that" you say before closing the bottle and place it back in the box which you placed on the side of your bed.

"What just happened" Lucy ask as you sit up and they look at you. "You see because of my grimm half it effects my body like that but the pill I take counters it, in the box I have three kind green is for heat, blue is a stronger one in case the green doesn't work only side effect is it takes all the strength out of my body and finally red this is a last resort because of my grimm half my rage can take over so the red pill will calm me down and knock me out for about three days" you says as Dean looks at you and then goes wide eyed.

"Hold on by heat you mean like an animal" Dean said as you nod and they look at each other and then you. "To be honest seeing Ruby blush because of me sort of made me think of what could of happened and so this happened" you say as Lucy placed a hand on your shoulder and you notice everyone has a smile on their face.

"It's ok (FN) we all have that kind of {cough} urge" Elizabeth said with a slight cough at the word. "Yeah I know but I'm different it's not real dangerous but what if I had just let go my body would of attacked Ruby and done who knows what" you says as Dean sits next to you with Lucy.

"Then we will help you to control it" Dean says with a smile on his face as you nod before Lucy speaks. "So that means Ruby is your love at first sight" Lucy says as you blush bright red and then all of you begin to laugh before you go and change in the bathroom before walking out in your uniform and all of you head to class.

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