Ch. 1 - The Meeting

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Lucy's POV

Mother got drunk again tonight, so when she finally passed out on the couch I decided to get some fresh air to clear my head. Tonight was a particularly harsh beating. Dad left us this morning. Mother started beating me before dad left, but there was never anything he could do to help.

I'm out walking tonight and it's a little chilly and I forgot my coat since I was in such a rush to leave. I don't want anyone to get suspicious so I try to stay away from the main roads as I make my way to the bridge. After mother beats me I typically come here. I always want to jump, but I don't. I'm not scared of dying, I'm scared of surviving. I walk out onto the old train bridge that crosses the river and just look out at the moon reflecting in the water. I sit on the bridge for maybe 2 hours before I start losing feeling from the cold so I decide to head back.

I've almost made it back home, I just have one last fence to jump that is kind of towards our front yard. As I get over that fence, I see a police car with their headlights on. I try to run to my house, but the woman officer is already out of her car and almost to me when she yells for me to stop, so I instantly freeze.

"What are you doing out this late? And why are you hopping fences?" The officer asked me. "I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know what time it is, and I jump the fences because it feels safer than walking on the main roads," I reply looking down at my feet.

"Look at me when you speak," the Officer Said with authority, "it's 3:30 in the morning and you look like you're about 14 meaning you have school in the morning."

I realized I was going to have to correct her on both things and began to sweat. I look at her in the eyes and say "I'm sorry ma'am, but I am 20, and although I am a college student I do not have classes on Friday's."

The officer gave me a confused look first before her look turned to concern. Shit, I forgot about the bruises on my face, she must have just noticed them. The officer gentled her voice some, "what's your name?" I quietly responded, "I-it's Lucy." "Lucy, are you okay? Those bruises don't look too good."

I quickly put my eyes to the ground and said, "I'm fine ma'am, now I really gotta go." I turned around quickly to run to the backyard and go into my room through the window, but the officer grabbed my arm. "Wait, here, take my card. If you need absolutely anything, please call me."

I took the card and looked down at it and then back at her. "Thank you Officer Adams, but I promise I'm fine." I then took off running to the backyard to climb into the house.

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