Ch. 24 - Maggie's Apology

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*This Song has been stuck in my head for days, so enjoy😂*

Melissa POV

Lucy and Maggie have a play date today and it'll be the first time they have seen each other since the new little mishap.

Heather assured me that everything will be okay since she is making Maggie apologize, but I can't help but be nervous.

We are having them play at the park because I have a feeling that after that incident Lucy will be set back some and not feel comfortable confined in a house.

We're meeting them for lunch and it's only 8am now, so that gives us plenty of time for Lucy to have breakfast, maybe play a bit, and take a short morning nap before we have to leave.

Ame went down to start cooking so I make my way into Lucy's room to start getting her ready since I already got myself ready.

"Hi Lucy Loo," I spoke gently to her once I got to her crib and started to rub her back.

She rolled over and when she saw me she gave me a cheesy little grin.

"Hi mommy." Is all she said before making grabby hands so I picked her up and started to make my way to the changing table before she started to whine.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Wan El 'nd Em." She whined a little more.

"You want Ellie and Emma?" I asked her giving me a head nod in return.

"Don't fret baby, mommy will grab them." I turned around with her in my arms and grabbed her two elephants before taking her back to change her out of her diaper.

Once finished with her diaper I get her dressed in cute navy short overalls and a baby blue t-shirt before picking her up and carrying her downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hi momma!" Was the first thing Lucy said when she saw Ame and she lifted her arms at her saying she wanted to swap.

So I finished cooking while Amelia held Lucy. I overheard parts of their conversations while they rocked around the kitchen.

Lucy had her head on Amelia's chest and Ame was holding her tightly.

"I s'ared momma."

"Why baby?"

"I s'ared dat Maggie won be my f'iend cuz I said I no wan her mommies."

"Oh sweetheart, you don't have to be scared. Maggie still wants to be your friend, that's why you are playing together today. She was just a really excited 2 year old who didn't know why that would never work out."

"Otay momma, I t'ust 'ou."

Amelia walked with Lucy back to the table and set her down in her chair since I was done with breakfast.

Lucy ate her pancakes and fruit, then I reminded her to take her pills before we let her wander off into the living room following behind.

Amelia POV

"Alright baby, whatcha want to play before you take a short nap?"

She thought it over a minute before saying, "mmm no p'ay. Movie?"

"We can watch a movie, anyone in particular?"

"Mmm inc'edibles."

"Sure hun, we can watch The Incredibles, 1 or 2?"

She thought for another minute, but finally said 2 with as much excitement as possible.

I really wonder what goes on in her head sometimes.

I start the movie and sit on the opposite side of Mel since Lucy is in the middle.

Lucy looked at me and then looked at Mel, she seemed kind of confused. So she climbed up into my lap and laid her head on my chest before calling out to Mel.

"Mommy, snuggle wit us p'ease."

Mel looked over trying to hold back a laugh but ended up moving right next to us.

"Of course I'll snuggle with my two favorite girls."

We watched the movie and made it about half-way through before Lucy fell asleep, but we decided to just let her sleep there instead of trying to move her.

Time Skip

"Lucy baby, it's time to wake up," I said to her as I gently stroke her face.

She tucked her face in between my cleavage.

"Come on sweetheart, if you wake up now, you can have some of momma's milk before going to the park.

That got her attention because she sat straight up making me laugh.

"Okay calm down, lay back down and I'll get you some milk."

She laid back down and I pulled my breast out for her to nurse. She took it gently and hummed while she suckled. I spent my time running my fingers through her hair. I really hope today goes well.

Mel was upstairs packing a bag for Lucy so as soon as Lucy was done nursing we would be ready to go.

Lucy finished up just as Mel was coming down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" I heard Mel ask.

"Yup, let me just get myself situated again."

I got myself and Lucy presentable real quick and we made our way to the car.

Lucy POV

We just arrived at the park and I'm extremely nervous. This will be the first time I've seen Maggie since the day she thought we were becoming sisters.

This pulled me out of headspace, but I still have to wait for mom or mama to get me out of my seat.

It was mom, she opened my door and lifted me out, "ready to go hun?" I just nodded my head in response.

She set me on the ground when we got near Maggie and her mommies.

Maggie saw me and came over to me calmly.

"Hi Lucy." She said quietly.

"Hi Maggie," I returned the remark.

"Are you big right now?" I nodded my head as an answer before she asked if we could talk in private.

We got to the top of the jungle gym and sat on the seats that were up there.

"I just want to say I'm so so sorry about what happened the last time I saw you. Little me just gets so excited sometimes and it's hard to rein her in."

I smiled gently at her. "It's okay. I should probably explain why I got so upset, because honestly, that was an extreme reaction from me."

I continued by saying, "I had a pretty shit home life if I'm being honest. Melissa rescued me from my abusive mother. She had given me her phone number one night that I was sneaking back into my house and then the very next night she was carrying me off the bridge I was going to kill myself on."

I took a shaky breath, "Melissa and Amelia, my moms, are the only people I have been able to completely trust in my entire life, so I guess when you thought we were going to be sisters, I was terrified that I was going to be ripped away from the only two people I could trust."

Maggie sat there in shock before rushing over to hug me.

"Oh my god Lucy, I am so freaking sorry. For everything. Can we still be friends?"

I smiled at her as she released me from the hug.

"Of course we are still friends, just no more talking like that I guess. Little me apparently can't handle it. Now enough of this sad stuff, let's go play!"

And that's what we did. We played until it was lunch time, and then we played until it was dinner time and everyone had to go home.

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