Ch. 2 - Fear and Realization

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After sneaking back in to my house, I accidentally knocked a vase over causing my mother to wake up.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Mother screamed at me as I ran to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. "You're going to regret that you little bitch," I heard mother say through the door.

I've been scared of my mother many times, but never like this. She has never caught me sneaking back in or out before and I am absolutely terrified. I hear her walk away, so I believe that I might be safe. I calm my breathing and lay over to go to sleep.

Melissa's POV -

That little girl seemed absolutely terrified and abused. I cannot believe she is actually 20, she looks as young as 14. I just wish there was some way I could help her.

I make it back home after my shift where my wife, Amelia is up getting ready for work as a nurse. She only works part time since it is just us and my salary is decent.

Amelia sees me walk through the door and immediately knows I'm acting melancholy. "Hey babe, what's going on?"

"There was this girl while I was out patrolling. Something is off about the whole situation and it is really bothering me. She had bruises on her face and was sneaking back into her house. She seemed absolutely terrified and there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do was give her my card and told her to call if she needed me." I tell Amelia trying to keep my shit together.

Amelia pauses before saying, "sweetheart, you've worked so many difficult situations, why is this one making you so worked up?"

Amelia and I are both caregivers otherwise known as Mommy's in our case, in the BDSM/ABDL world. It's been a long time since we have had a little. Our first and last little left a little over 4 years ago and we've been too scared to get back out there. Our last little, Amy, was a more sexual little and neither Amelia nor I was interested in that lifestyle. We referred Amy to a very nice MommyDom and they have been happy together ever since.

"Amelia...I think the girl I met tonight, Lucy, is a little. And if she is and is getting abused, I just can't stand by and do nothing." Amelia came over towards me and gently wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead. "Melissa, you have done all you can for tonight. All you can do is hope that she calls you. Okay? I love you, it will be okay."

I gave her a small smile, "Okay...I love you too."

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