Ch. 22 - Misunderstandings and Meltdowns

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Lucy POV

"MAGGIE!" I yell to my friend as soon as she opens the door.

"LUCY!!" She yells back as she pulls me into a hug.

We quickly took off for her room to play while our mommies talked.

It was about 8:30 when my momma and Maggie's momma came into the room.

"Alright sweet girls, it's time for bed and you both need a bath." Momma said as she carried me into the guest bathroom while Maggie's momma carried her into the master bathroom.

Momma was undressing me while getting the water ready for me before setting me in.

I played with the water for a few seconds before looking up at her.

"Momma baf wif me?" I asked her quietly.

"You want me to bathe with you baby?" She clarified, but I just nodded my head.

"Okay then," she spoke as she undressed herself and climbed in behind me.

I turned to my side and lied against her chest while mindlessly rubbing the top of one of her boobs.

"You okay honey?" I just nodded. I was completely fine, just wanted Momma cuddles.

We laid there a little while longer before she washed us both and got us ready for bed.

She carried me back into Maggie's room where everyone else was. Mommy took me from Momma's arms and set me into bed next to Maggie.

"Goodnight sweetheart, I love you." She whispered and kissed my forehead.

"G'nigh mommy, love 'ou too."

Then momma came over, "I love you my sweet girl, sleep tight," and kissed my forehead too.

"Nigh nigh momma, love 'ou."

The Next Morning

Lucy POV Cont.

Mommy and Momma left this morning after breakfast. They said they wanted me to get used to being with people other than them, even if it was just for a couple of hours.

Maggie and I played all morning until it was just about lunch time. Maggie went downstairs to see if one of her mommies would make us something for lunch.

Maggie quickly ran upstairs with a big smile on her face.

"What goin on Mag?" I asked her curious as to why she was so excited.

"We gonna be sissies!" She yelled.

"What you mean?" I asked again because I was so confused.

"I heard my mommies talking about wanting another little. You gon be my sissy!" She explained.

"But...but what about my mommies?" I whined.

"Who cares? You can share my mommies wif me!"

I backed into a corner with tears coming down my face, "noooo, I no wan your mommies. I wan my mommies."

I was freaking out and couldn't calm myself down. Eventually Maggie went and got her mommies because her momma tried to approach me when she came back.

"No! S'ay away. I no wanchu!" I cried while pulling my legs closer to me and tried to become as small as possible.

"Okay Lucy. I won't come near you. Can you tell me what's wrong?" Maggie's momma asked me.

"I no wanchu to be my mommies." I cried into my knees.

"What? Sweetheart of course we aren't going to be your mommies? You already have two mommies that love you so much." Maggie's momma reasoned with me.

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