Ch. 20 - Deadbeat Dad

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Lucy POV

"Wakey wakey little one," I heard Momma say. I pulled the covers farther over my head, "nu momma, to s'eepy." She pulled the covers off of me which I grunted at. "I guess that means you're too sleepy to go to the park huh?"

That got my attention, "da park?" Momma chuckled, "Yes baby, the park. Don't you want to go play?" I nodded my head real big, "es momma." She picked me up out of my crib before setting me down on my changing table to get my diaper off before she dressed me in overalls and a teal shirt.

I didn't feel like walking, so when Momma put me on the ground, I put my hands up to her and asked for 'uppies' , so she picked me back up and carried me downstairs to where Mommy was. I saw her and reached out for her, "hi mommy."

Mommy gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "hi baby, did you sleep okay." Still feeling the affects of being tired, I just nodded my head before laying it on her chest. We ate breakfast and I took my medicine before making our way out to the car where Mommy buckled me into my car seat and we made our way to the playground.

When we got there, and mommies got me out of the car, I noticed there were people like me there. I tugged on Momma's sleeve, "yes baby?" "I t'ought we was goin to a wegular park?" Momma laughed a little before squatting down in front of me.

"That would have made you want to feel big right?" I nodded my head. "Well, sweetie, this is a little's park. So only little's and their caregivers are here so you are safe to be who you truly are." Momma told me with a smile.

"Weally momma?!" She just nodded her head before telling me to go play.

I was playing on the jungle gym when a girl came up to me. "Hi, my name Maggie, wan be fwiends?" I nodded my head real big, "yea! My name Lucy. How old is you?" She held up 2 fingers and I basically told her that at the moment so was I, but you know, not coherently.

We played for a really long time until Mommy came over to get me and told me it was time to go home. To say I wasn't happy was an understatement.

"But Mommy, I made a fwiend, I no wanna leave her." Mommy scooped me up before rocking me. "I know little one, but it's time for us to go home. What if I find her caregiver and give them our number and we can set up a playdate with you two, how does that sound?"

"T'ank you, t'ank you mommy! P'ease do!" I practically yell to her. She's laughing now, "Okay, okay baby. How about you lead me to your friend and then we can find her caregiver?" Mommy says to me. So I wiggle out of her arms and lead her to Maggie.

Melissa POV

I'm following Lucy over to a younger girl who is sitting with two slightly older women. "Hi Maggie!" The other girl looks up and hugs Lucy, "Hi Lucy!"

"Maggie dis my mommy, she wan'ed to meet da person who care fo ou." Maggie nodded her head before walking us over to the two women. She pointed at the blonde and said, "Dis one Momma," then she pointed at the brunette and said, "dis one Mommy."

Her Mommy picked her up and asked who her friend was, so she introduced Lucy to them, then I introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Melissa, Lucy's Mommy. My wife and Lucy's Momma, Amelia is packing all of our stuff up right now, but I'll call her over." Shortly after I called her to us, Ame showed up and introduced herself.

The brunette introduced herself, "I'm Heather, Maggie's Mommy." Then the blonde introduced herself, "And I'm Kathryn, Maggie's Momma."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. It seems our girls have become quite the friends and little Lucy was not happy about having to leave her friend. I was curious if we could all exchange numbers and maybe they could have a playdate in the future?" I asked the women.

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