Ch. 14 - Day of Travels

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Melissa POV

Today is the day we start our trip to Alaska. We are flying out of Chicago to Seattle, where we will board another plane that will take us to Fairbanks Alaska, which is where we will be staying to see the northern lights. We wanted to have a non-stop plane ride, but that wasn't an option so we got the one with the least amount of stops.

All of our bags are packed including a big and little carry on for Lucy. We don't know if she'll transition off and on while we are traveling so Amelia preferred to have both just in case. Speaking of Lucy, Amelia and I should go wake her up so she has time to nurse.

I decide to wake Amelia up by sneaking out of bed to get Lucy. I walk in to the nursery to see Lucy still snoozing. I walk up to her and rub her back, "Lucy Loo, time to wake up baby girl." She rolled onto her side before saying, "Mommy? It time to leave?" Smiling I respond, "Not yet baby, but why don't we go wake up Momma."

I pick her up and she hurries back to our room where she jumps onto Amelia yelling "Wakey Wakey Momma! Get up, get up, get up!" Amelia just grunts before finally sitting up. I'm already laughing from what Lucy just did and I'm thrown into another fit of laughter when Amelia pulls Lucy into her and starts tickling her. She yells threw her giggles, "No momma no, I no want the tickle monster. Save me mommy!"

I decide to give Lucy a break when I run over to start tickling Ame who immediately stops the tickling of Lucy. "Babeeeee, no fair!" She barely makes out as she's laughing too hard. I give in, but I give her a sweet, long kiss afterwards. We broke the kiss when Lucy said, "Mommies! My eyes!" While trying to cover her face. I look over to Ame who is already looking at me knowing we are thinking the same thing. Soon we are attacking Lucy with kisses and she's giggling and telling us to stop.

We do eventually stop and I decide to go load up the car and get breakfast started while Amelia nurses and gets Lucy ready.

Amelia POV

Mel just left to get everything ready for us to go to the airport so I decide to ask Lucy if she'd like to nurse and of course nods her head yes. "Alright baby, come here." Lucy immediately comes over and gets herself situated before latching on. When we first started nursing, I was really in shock on how well she latches.

I gently run my fingers through her hair while singing You are my Sunshine to her;

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

After she unlatches, I continue running my fingers through her hair before she looks up at me and asks, "Ma? I've never flown before and I'm kind of nervous." I give her a soft smile knowing that she may have some troubles today. "Do you know exactly what you're nervous about sweetheart?" She tucked her head under my chin before continuing, "I'm big right now because I knew I needed to talk to you about it, but I'm nervous that I'll slip because I'm scared. I've never been little in public."

Sighing, I pull her close to me. "Mom and I will be there to protect you the entire time. Heck, if someone even gives you a dirty look you know Mom will smack it right off of them." That caused her to be thrown into a fit of giggles. "Anyways baby, there's nothing to worry about. You will be holding one of our hands the entire time no matter what, but if our hands aren't full then one of us can hold you. How does that sound?" She nodded her head before saying "Tis sound good momma." Yep she's slipping.

"Alright sweet cheeks, let's go see what Mommy has made for breakfast."

Lucy POV

I'm super nervous about flying today, but Momma assured me everything will be okay. Momma is holding me as we make our way downstairs to see what Mommy made for breakfast. Really needing comfort I tuck my head under her chin while snuggling more into her. She clearly got the hint because she held me tighter, patted my back and told me it'd be okay.

We make it to the kitchen and I see Mommy made waffles, which I love so I yell out "WAFFLES!" Momma sets me down as Mommy laughs, "man, I wish I got the same amount of love as those waffles." I run over to Mommy and say, "Silly mommy, I already saw you dis mornin! But t'ank you!"

Mommy gives me a hug before telling me to sit down and eat. Once we finished eating, mommies cleaned up the kitchen and they loaded me into my car seat to head to the airport. Apparently Mommy already got our bags in the car while I was nursing. I must have fallen asleep during the drive because I woke up to Momma getting me out of my car seat.

Amelia POV

We made it to the airport and I got out to see Lucy asleep in her car seat. I told Mel to grab our bags and I would get Lucy. When I picked up Lucy to carry her in, she started to wake up some, so I pushed her head back down onto my chest and told her she could continue sleeping which she had no arguments against.

By the time Lucy wakes up we have already boarded our first flight and it goes smoothly. Lucy stayed little pretty much the whole flight and enjoyed coloring and having us read to her. By the time we transferred everything to our other flight, Lucy was asleep again and stayed asleep until we landed in Alaska.

Melissa POV

We had a rather simple travel day with no issues surrounding Lucy. Amelia grabbed our bags so I could carry Lucy this time. We made it to our house when Lucy asked "Are we here mommy?" Smiling while picking her up, "yes baby, we are here. Now let's go unpack so we are ready to for tomorrow." She squirmed out of my arms and ran over to Ame to tell her that we are here and she acted all shocked for Lucy's benefit.

We eventually got settled in and had dinner and got ready for bed. Lucy decided she wanted to sleep with us so I changed her into a diaper before she nursed with Amelia. Once she finished she got in between us both and we snuggled her. "I love you mom, I love you ma. Thank you for taking me on this trip." Ame and I squeezed her tight before telling her we loved her and both gave her a kiss on her head before we all fell asleep.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed, I really struggled with this chapter because writing about a travel day is not super interesting, but felt the need to update. Hopefully the next few updates will be a little better! As always, vote, comment, leave suggestions, thanks!

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