Ch. 8 - Rules

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Lucy POV

I woke up in between Mommy and Momma and could feel my pull up had a heavy feeling, ugh I can't believe I used it. I started to tear up because all I could think was that I'm not a baby.

"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" I didn't even realize Momma was awake and she was running her hand up and down my arm. "It nothin Momma," she said before saying, "Baby, I know you're lying. You can trust me, now what's got my little one so upset?"

I cuddled into her chest before speaking up, "I-I wet my pull-up." Momma rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, "It's okay Lucy, that's what it's there for. Now how about we get you out of that wet pull-up?" I nodded my head as she got out of bed.

Momma turned around and cocked an eyebrow when she realized I wasn't following behind her and it threw me into a fit of giggles. "Carry me Momma!" Chuckling while she lifts me up on her hip, "alright, c'mon little one, we need to get you clean."

Momma carried me into the bathroom where she took the dirty pull-up off and asked, "We have to have a big girl conversation today, so do you want a pull-up or no pull-up?" I blushed a little bit before answering, "pull-up please." Momma smiled, "you got it little one."

After Momma got dressed for the day we got up and went looking for Mommy. I didn't even notice she wasn't in bed this morning! Oops, I was really distracted by my pull-up!

After a little bit of searching we found her in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Mommy!" I yelled as I ran into her open arms. "Good morning pretty girl, did you sleep good?" I nodded my head real big and gave her a cheeky smile.

Mommy kissed my forehead before placing me in a chair that already had a plate full of food in front of it. "Good, now eat up baby girl. We have to have a little conversation today."

After breakfast, Momma wiped my face all clean before carrying me into the living room. "Do you want to sit on the couch or one of our laps?" I was nervous about this conversation so I just pointed at Momma who thankfully understood because she pulled me in closer as she sat down.

Melissa POV

"Alright Lucy Loo, Momma and I said that we needed to have a big girl conversation. It's nothing to worry about, but do you think you can be our big girl?" She closed her eyes before reopening them and saying yes.

Ame spoke up next, "first we need to go over rules which we will all have." Lucy looked up a little bit, "Wait, you guys have rules too?" I smiled to try and ease her noticeable tension, "yes, even we have rules that we have to follow. The biggest one is to always keep you safe."

That seemed to ease her mind so Amelia spoke up again. "Our rules are pretty simple and I can write them down for you if it makes it easier for you to remember. Our rules are:
- Listen and obey Mommy and Momma
- Do not put yourself down or harm yourself in any way, shape, or form
- Mommy and Momma need to know where you are at and who you are with at all times.
- You will get 3 warnings before you receive a punishment. Tantrums will receive an immediate punishment.
- Mommy and Momma love you very much and want to do what is best for you so we need to have open communication no matter what.
Do you have any questions?" Amelia asked after going over the general rules. Lucy shrunk into Amelia's arms more before quietly asking, "what are my punishments?"

I took over then because she seemed to be freaking out internally. "Momma and I know some of your history, so none of your punishments will be physical. So no spankings or anything like that. Your punishments will be things like no tv time, timeouts, and earlier bed times. If none of those seem to be working we may add no play time inside or outside as well. However, we will never take away your comfort items or cuddling. Does that sound okay baby?"

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