Ch. 26 - Liam

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I wanted to give you all a longer update since it's been awhile. Hope you enjoy and are staying safe out there.

Lucy POV

It was a Monday morning and Mom had the day off of work so we're spending the morning laying around and we may all go shopping later.

I was laying down on the couch with my head in Mom's lap while she was running her fingers through my hair. I was just about to doze off until Mama came in the room.

"Lucy? Who is Liam and why does he keep trying to call you?" She asked me.

Hearing the name Liam made me shoot up out of Mom's lap and grab for my phone. Mama pulled it away and said, "I want to know who he is," along with an eyebrow raise.

"I'll tell you in a minute, just please let me talk to him!" I practically cried to her so she handed me the phone.

Lucy: "LIAM! Is that you?"

Liam: "Hey little sis, it's really me."

Lucy: "I thought you were dead," I cried to him and both mom and mama shot me a worried glance. "Why did you never call me?"

Liam: "I know Lucy Loo. I'm really sorry. I got stationed overseas and was apart of some really secretive missions, so I wasn't really allowed to talk to anyone on the outside. Well besides my wife."

Lucy: "Your wife?! Liam when did you get married?"

Liam: "We will have been together 8 years this year."

Lucy: "You left me 12 years ago."

Liam: "I know, and I want to make up for that. Are you still living with mom and dad?"

Lucy: "Um about that. Dad left mom and they are both in prison now."

Liam: "Wow. Was it the drinking?"

I had to take a moment to myself. I was scared to tell him the truth, I'm afraid he'll take their side.

Lucy: "Not exactly. I mean it definitely didn't help. I'd rather meet up to talk about it in person, but I'll give you the run down. Dad left us this past year because of mom's drinking, but also because she was having an affair every time he left for business."

Liam: "Wow, I'm honestly not surprised. She had a real problem with alcohol and wanting other men when I was younger too."

Lucy: "Really?"

Liam: "Yup, I'm surprised dad stayed as long as he did. So how did mom end up in prison?"

I let out a long breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Lucy: "I'm going to tell you, but please let me finish. Dad didn't believe me, but I hope you do. Mom was really abusive to me. She would constantly hit and kick me. She would cut me with knives and smash my head into the wall. She would even throw me down the stairs sometimes. You know how you weren't surprised about the affairs? After she would sleep with them, she would uh, she would allow them to come in my room and r-rape me."

I managed to get it out, but now I'm in tears. Moms both came over and wrapped me in a hug and held onto me while I continued talking to Liam.

Lucy: I was kicked out several months ago after she threw me down the stairs. The reason she's in prison is because I went back to the house a little bit later to get some of the stuff I wanted. I didn't get to take any pictures of us because mom burned everything that was yours when you left. Anyways, when I came back she beat me almost to death. If it wasn't for the women who I live with now, I would be dead. One of them is a cop and she found me."

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