Ch. 17 - No School

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A/N: Hi all! Sorry for the short chapter, I've been busy with school and work, but wanted to get this out here, so enjoy, thanks!

Amelia POV

We've been home for a few days now, so that means Mel is back to work and Lucy starts school this week. That is also why she is having a tantrum right now. "But Momma, I no wanna go back to school!" Lucy cried out to me. I ended up pulling her onto my lap and pushing her hair back, "Can you tell momma why you don't want to go back to school? It's all online, you'll still be with me every day," I try to reason with her. She just shakes her head before pushing her face into my neck.

"Okay little one, how about we go upstairs and take a nap. Then when Mommy gets home we'll have a big girl conversation about this okay?" She nods her head, so I carry her up the stairs and head to her room where I lay her down in her crib with her elephants snuggled in both arms. I give her a kiss on her forehead before telling her I love her and to sleep well. On my way back downstairs, I send Mel a text to let her know what has been going on so she is prepared when she gets home in a few hours.

*time skip*

Lucy POV

"Wakey wakey sunshine," I know that voice! It's Mommy! I open up my eyes and sure enough she is standing right in front of my crib. I stand up and put my arms out to her, "hi mommy!" She picks me up and puts me on her hip, "hi sweet thing, I heard you had a rough morning with momma?"

I nodded sadly and put my head on her chest, I wasn't very nice to momma this morning, I should probably apologize. Mommy carries me downstairs and I see Momma on the couch. I wiggle out of mommy's arms and fling myself at momma, who thankfully catches me. She holds me close before asking, "what's the matter baby?" Tearing up I start, " I so sorry momma, I act bad dis morning. I no mean too."

Momma sighs before rocking me back and forth, "shh, it's alright Lucy-Loo. I know you were stressed, but we need to have a big girl conversation about what is going on in that pretty little head of yours.

I sigh and lean back into momma's embrace as I also grab mommy's hand. "I'm scared..." Mommy looks at me a little confused, "of what exactly?" I wipe at a tear threatening to fall with my free hand. "I'm scared that once I graduate, you'll expect me to grow up and that I have to get a job and be a big girl, and not act like a baby anymore and it scares me."

Mommy pulled me into her lap and momma scooted closer to the both of us, "those are some pretty scary thoughts huh?" mommy asked me, simply nodding my head yes she just held me tighter. Momma talked this time, "Lucy, we aren't making you go back to school because we want you to be there or that we want you to grow up. We always want you to be our baby."

"You do?" I question, "then why do I have to go?" Mommy answered this time, "because sweetheart, you were already in school when I found you, meaning deep down somewhere this is what you were wanting. Also, if for any reason, you decide you no longer want this or something were to happen to momma or I, we want you to be well prepared. We never want to lose you, so don't worry that this is about that. You will forever be our baby, nothing you can do will get rid of us." She said that last part with a wink and kissed my temple, momma also kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I should have known better, but once the thoughts were there, I just couldn't make them stop." Momma smiled at me, "It's okay baby, but that's why we talk about things in this household. Even once you graduate, you will still be our baby, nothing will change if you don't want it to."

I nodded my head, "good, I like the way things are." They both chuckled at that, Mommy then asked, "what are you majoring in baby?" I blush a little bit before whispering, "Criminal Justice." I know mommy was going to be so excited because that is what she got her degree in as well. "Really?! You know that's what my degree is in too right? Why didn't you tell me?" I laughed, "Because I knew you'd be overly excited." It was mommy's turn to blush this time, "hey, at least I can help you with any homework that you struggle with." Smiling I nod before reaching back over to Momma.

Momma pulls me up into her lap, "Hi sweet girl, are you slipping?" I just nod back to her and sink into her embrace. "Before you slip fully, I know it was little you throwing the tantrum, but that still gets a punishment. So I'm going to take away your phone and give it back to you in a few days, okay?"

I nodded my head, "words little one," mommy said. "Okay momma, dat sounds fair. I love you momma, I love you mommy." They pulled me into a hug with them and said that they loved me too. I guess this whole school thing will be alright, I don't have to stop being their baby.

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