21st Birthday

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A/N: I celebrated my 21st birthday last month so I figured I would write a special about it.

Lucy POV

Today is my 21st birthday and we have already had a party with everyone in the morning. My brother and his wife had already left, but Kathryn and Heather were still there with their littles Maggie and Evelyn who likes to be called Evie.

I had been talking to Maggie and Evie about going out tonight since we were all big at the moment and I wanted to experience my 21st with friends like a normal person. We just had to get our parents on bored.

We all walked into the kitchen where the moms were sitting around the table before they looked up.

"I know that look Lucy, whatcha want?" Mom asked me.

"Who says I want something?" I ask innocently.

"Because your our daughter and we know that expression." Mama continued.

"Fine, I do want something. Can Maggie, Evie and I go out tonight?" I ask quickly with my anxiety rising some.

"Sure. Where do you guys want to go? I'm sure we all have time to go together?" Mom replied and I started to feel defeated.

"We were actually hoping we could go out just the three of us." Maggie said quietly.

"And what do you plan on doing just the three of you?" Heather questioned.

We all kind of looked at each other before Evie spoke up. "It's Lucy's 21st, so we wanted to take her to a bar."

All four of the older women's eyes widened at that, but it was Mama who was the first to speak. "Absolutely not. I do not want you getting drunk."

I whined a little, "Mama, I'm 21 now and weird enough. I just want to be normal and do what everyone else my age does."

Mama got up when I said I wanted to be normal and came over to hug me. "Baby, you don't have to what other kids do to try and fit in. Just because you regress does not make you weird. You are perfect."

"Then let me go out tonight? I won't get drunk." Mama sighed and looked over to Mom for help.

"Fine. As long as Heather and Kathryn say it's okay then you guys can go for two hours. We will be dropping you off and picking you up. If anything happens you call us immediately. Do you understand."

I stood there stunned at what I heard, "Wait, you're letting us go?" All the moms had grim looks on their faces before nodding their head yes.

I ran over to my moms who were now next to each other again and hugged them both. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

After we all got ready and received another lecture from all of our moms we were finally being dropped off at the bar.

Walking in, we all walked up to the bar and Maggie ordered us 9 shots of whiskey. After Evie showed me what to do, I quickly threw back all 3 of my shots. Each one burned a little more as it went down.

I was already feeling the effects of each shot. I guess me being so small and never drank a day in my life would cause that.

Forty minutes into us being at the bar, I was completely wasted. Maggie and Evie kept telling everyone it was my birthday so random people kept buying me drinks. I got to the point that everything was a blur until I felt something warm in between my legs.

I realized I had wet myself and didn't even notice. Wetting myself in public quickly made me drop and I rushed off to the restroom before finding an empty stall and sitting in the corner to cry. I slipped to far that I could do nothing. I couldn't clean myself up, I couldn't call anyone to help. I was stuck.

I heard the door open before hearing Maggie's voice, "Lucy? Are you in here? Are you okay?"

I let out a strangled yes before Maggie came over to my stall. "Lucy can you let me in?"

I couldn't. I felt the smallest I have ever been at this point in time, so I just let out an 'uh-uh'.

I heard Maggie audibly sigh and tell me she was going to call my mommies. I don't know how long I sat in that stall crying, but it was long enough that I threw up in the toilet.

"Lucy? Lucy baby are you in here?" It was momma!

"Momma?" I ask through the tears.

"Yes baby, it's momma. Can you open the stall?" She asked and I shook my head before realizing she couldn't see me.

"Nuh-uh." I said. She said okay and the next thing I knew she was crawling underneath the stall to me.

When she saw me her face immediately softened, "Oh baby," she said before lifting me into her lap. "Do you wanna go home?" I cried harder into her neck and nodded my head yes. She must have saw the puke in the toilet because I heard it flush.

We walked out of the stall and I saw Mommy, and Maggie and Evie were both with their moms. Maggie was in Kathryn's arms whereas Evie was in Heather's arms. I wonder if they slipped too.

Mommy came over to me with a wet paper towel to clean my face, "Hey troublemaker, are you okay?" I just shrugged and mommy nodded her head like she understood.

Mommy spoke up again, "We don't have anything to clean your bottom up, but once we get to the car we'll get those wet clothes off of you okay?" I nodded before tearing up again at the reminder. Momma shushed me before carrying me out through a back door where mommy had parked the car. Kathryn and Heather had their car back there as well so I said my goodbyes before they left as well.

Mommy got in the drivers seat and momma sat in the back with me while she helped me out of my clothes and I snuggled into her side.

We finally got home and Mommy came around to our side and lifted me out of mommas arms and carried me into the bathroom. Momma was right behind and stripped out of her clothes to get in the bath with me. I guess I got her gross too. That thought made me cry more and I sobbed into momma's now bare chest. She held me closely as mommy rubbed my back.

I finally calmed down after awhile and just laid in momma's arms. "I sowry momma an mommy. I no 'ike dwinking. No more."

That caused mommies to chuckle, "Yeah baby, no more drinking," Mommy said. They helped me out of the tub before drying me off and putting me in a diaper and warm jammies before carrying me to their bed. I laid in the bed when they both got in on opposite sides of me and cuddled in close to me.

"Happy birthday sweet pea. I hope you had a good day besides the ending." Mommy said causing me to giggle at that.

"I did, T'ank you mommies. I love you mommy an momma." I said as I nuzzled into momma's chest.

"We love you too baby. Now go to sleep." Momma said and I held onto mommy's hand as I fell asleep.

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