Ch. 13 - Winter Break

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Lucy POV

I woke up a few hours ago and I've just been talking to Ellie and Emma. I wanted to introduce them to ensure they would get along. I haven't called for my mommies yet because I know they didn't sleep much while I was in the hospital. I still feel really guilty about what happened. I can't believe I did that.

Coming out of headspace a bit, I managed to fish the picture I took from my old home out of my pants that were on the floor. I sat there looking at the photo for awhile thinking about the old days. Before mom started drinking and bringing home strange men, before mom started beating me, before I was raped, before dad left us. I didn't mean to, but the tears started flowing out so I dropped the photo and hugged Ellie and Emma.

Amelia POV

I wake with Mel's arms around me so I decide to kiss her nose to wake her up. As soon as my lips touch her nose, her eyes fly open. She is such a light sleeper unlike me. "Goodmorning babe," I smile at her and she exchanges pleasantries before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. It turns heated fast before I pushed her off chuckling. "I would love to continue, but I need to wake up lil Lucy and see if she wants to nurse."

Mel rolls back onto her back, "ugh fine, I guess I can wait," she turns to give me a mock pout, "go get our baby, I'll start breakfast." She starts to get up but I pull her back down giving her a fiery kiss, "I love you, now wipe that pout off your gorgeous face." Once she gets up, I then get up to go get my baby.

I walk into Lucy's nursery to see her crying and holding both Ellie and Emma. I immediately rush over and pick her up. "Mommaaaa," she cries into my shoulder as she clutches onto me. Gently rocking her I try to calm her down. "Shh baby girl, it's alright Momma's got you." As I turn to go over to the rocker, I notice a picture of a girl that looks like her when she was younger and two other people in her crib. I wonder if those are her parents.

"Baby girl, do you want to nurse?" No verbal response, but she nods her head in my chest. She's still crying and starting to cough from crying. Not thinking twice about it, I take off my shirt and her onesie before settling us into the rocker. I know nursing helps her, so I figured skin-to-skin contact will too. She gently starts suckling on my nipple and her crying slows. I wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead. She sits up a little and asks for 'switchie' so I helped her flip around so she could latch onto my other nipple.

After she finished nursing, I wiped her remaining tears and continued to rock her while we just sat in the chair. "I'm sorry Ma." She must've calmed down enough to be big again. Questioning what she was talking about though, "What for baby doll?" She squirmed a bit, "I knew you saw the picture in my crib. I'm sorry for having it. I feel like it's disrespectful to you and Mom. I love you both way more than I will ever love them. It's just hard to erase the past when the past wasn't always that bad."

Sighing, I ran my fingers through her hair. "Baby, they are your parents. Mom and I know that you loved them and they weren't always awful people. They turned into not so nice people, it happens sometimes unfortunately. We will never be upset with you for remembering the good times with your biological parents. I would so much prefer you remember the good rather than let the bad haunt you."

Lucy looks up at me and says "No matter how those people are related to me, you and Mom are my real parents. They will never be considered my parents after all they did to me. I haven't known you and Mom for more than a month and I already feel 100 times more safe and loved by you two than I ever did by them. You and mom are my parents, I don't care what a piece of paper says. I love you both."

Pulling her into me while smiling, I say, "I know baby, your mom and I love you too. So much." We get up and I get her out of her diaper into a pull-up and ready for our day. As I pull her off the changing table I say, "c'mon baby, let's go see mom and see what she has cooked us up for breakfast."

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