Ch. 21 - Separation Anxiety

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A/N: Sorry for being gone so long. Here's a little filler chapter to get ya through. Thanks!

Amelia POV

Lucy has made a little friend named Maggie and they have really hit it off. We've had a couple of play dates at both of our houses and the girls had an absolute blast.

Maggie wants to have a sleepover tonight, but Mel and I aren't too sure. Not that we don't trust Heather and Kathryn. It's just Lucy has always been with either me or Mel since we've known her.

It's about time for Lucy to wake up so I head into her room to see she's already awake in her crib. "Hey baby, why didn't you call for us?"

She just sort of shrugged, "I don't know Mama, I was just thinking when you came in."

It threw me off when she called me momma since she seemed big. "Baby, are you feeling little or big?"

She kind of looked at me before saying big. Now I'm really confused, "but you don't typically call me momma unless you're little."

"I call you Momma, m-o-m-m-a, when I'm little. Right now I'm calling you Mama, m-a-m-a, while I'm big. I just kind of decided I didn't like Ma anymore. Is that okay?" She asked me.

"Of course baby. Come on, let's go have breakfast." I tell her as I lift her out of her crib and set her on my hip.

Lucy POV

Mama carries me into the kitchen and hands me off to Mom. "Hi mom," I whisper to her as I set my head on her chest.

She rocks me a bit, "hi baby, did you sleep okay?" I just nod as she rocks me back and forth.

We sit down for breakfast and I take my medicine before we go to the living room to watch a movie. We are just having a lazy day before I have my play date with Maggie.

Mom talks to me first, "baby, is everything okay? You just seem a little quiet." She's sitting to my right and Mama is on her other side.

I give her a small smile, "I'm fine mom." They both return a sad smile before Mom pulls me onto her lap and Mama starts the movie.

"I know you're not fine, but I trust you'll tell us when you're ready." She whispered into my ear but all I could do was nod back at her.

What they don't know is I overheard them talking to Maggie's mommies about a sleepover. I don't want to tell them I'm not ready for it because then they'll know I was eavesdropping, but I really don't want to stay without them yet.

I must've fallen asleep during the movie because the next thing I know, I'm waking up in my crib. Not just that, but I'm feeling small. Stress typically pushes me into it easier.

"Mommy? Momma?" I call out to them and after a few moments they come in. Mommy talks first, "hello little one, did ya have a nice nap?"

I didn't feel like answering so I just put my arms up and mommy got the hint. "C'mere baby, let's go downstairs."

We make our way back to the couch and I feel like I'm going to cry already, I wish I wasn't so sensitive. A few tears slipped out but I tried to wipe them away before they could notice.

Momma noticed first, "baby, why are you crying?"

"I no wanna go momma," I say and tuck my head under her chin.

"You don't want to go where hun?" She tried again.

"Maggie's, I no go. I stay here wit you an mommy." I muffle into her chest.

Mommy spoke up this time, "why don't you want to go to Maggie's? You two are best friends."

I looked up at her, "pwomise you no be mad?"

"We promise baby," momma said while gently kissing my forehead.

I sigh before telling them I overheard their conversation and apologized profusely because I was so scared. By the end of the conversation I was fully engulfed in waterworks and even momma was teary eyed.

"Oh baby. You should have told us. We would have planned something out for you, whether it's us staying at their house or Maggie coming over here." Momma told me.

"Weally momma?" I ask carefully.

"Yes of course sweetheart. Mommy and I love you so much, we would never make you do anything you don't want to do. We just need you to trust us and talk to us."

That hit hard, they think I don't trust them when in reality I do. They are the only people I have ever trusted and that's my problem.

"I do t'ust you momma, and mommy. I just s'ared sometimes and I no know how to tell 'ou. I love you momma."

Momma and mommy both kiss my forehead before mommy says she's going to go call Maggie's mommies to figure something out.

I'm still sitting on Momma's lap when she asks if I want to nurse, which I will never say no to. It just calms me down so much and right now I could use an extra dose of calm, so I tell her yes.

She takes off her shirt and bra before pulling me closer to her and I latch on. As I'm gently sucking, I walk my fingers over her chest while she runs her fingers through her hair. The last thing I hear before drifting off again was Mommy coming into the room to tell Momma that Maggie's mommies said they could stay too.

Melissa POV

Lucy fell asleep again after nursing with Ame. We are supposed to be at Maggie's house around 7pm. We are going to eat dinner here first, but instead of leaving Lucy there, we are all staying.

I told Ame that Heather and Kathryn were fine with us staying the night since they had a guest bedroom and the girls could share a room.

"So they are for sure okay with us staying?" Ame asked once I sat down next to her. I told her yup while popping the p.

"Do you think she has separation anxiety Ame?" I asked after awhile of us just sitting there.

She sighed before answering me, "we are the only people she has ever felt safe with, and she's always been with at least one of us since she's been with us. I would be surprised if she didn't."

We both agreed that maybe we should work on her just having play dates at Heather and Kathryn's house without us before she has a sleepover at their house. She needs to learn to trust them just like she trusts us. Until then, anytime they want to have a sleepover, Maggie will have to stay here or Ame and I will be sleeping over as well.

I leave Ame with Lucy while I go up to pack all of our bags. Well, at least Lucy seems calmer about the situation now.

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