Ch. 11 - Back Home

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A/N: Another chapter?? Crazy, but I'll probably be uploading again tonight because I have too many thoughts.

Lucy POV

I woke up this morning feeling big, which was the only reason moms let me stay home. Also because I promised to wear my necklace they gave me for Christmas at all times. It has a tracking device, which to some people may seem extreme, but I know it's out of love and it makes me feel safer. It has a little button on the clip that I can press if I feel like I'm slipping or have slipped and it lets them know via a text and it is also set up that if it is taken off that it will send a text.

Mom and Ma's work schedule ended up overlapping today by a few hours and since I'm big, I am taking full advantage of it. I really love my new stuff Emma, but she makes me miss Ellie, so I am going back to my mother's house to get her. If moms knew they would freak out, so that's why I didn't tell them. My mother lives across town, but luckily moms got me a new bike for Christmas so I don't have to take a cab and I don't have to walk.

I peddled quickly over to my old house trying to get in and out as fast as possible so I don't get caught by moms when I get home. I cringe as soon as I get there and see it is still in shambles just like I left it. I very carefully climbed in through the window as I have done so many times in the past. I see my mother passed out drunk on the couch and am sadly not surprised. I swiftly make my way past her and upstairs to my room. I quietly close my door before I exhale a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I already grabbed Ellie and really should have made my way out, I decided to look around my room and see if there was anything else I wanted since this was definitely my last time in this house. The only thing I was able to find was a picture from when I was a young toddler. I was sitting on my mother's lap and my dad had his arm wrapped around us. This was before the drinking and abuse started. I don't know why, but I decided to take the picture with me. If I had to remember my parents, I wanted to remember the good times, not the bad times. As I get ready to leave my room, I hear my door creak open. 'Well fuck' I immediately thought.

Amelia POV

We had to leave Lucy home alone today for the first time and I was really not a fan of that. I've been texting her for the past half hour and haven't gotten a response and I am starting to panic. I talked to Melissa earlier about her possibly going over to get Lucy's stuff. I've overheard her talking to her stuffie Emma about Ellie and it breaks my heart to hear how much she misses her. Unfortunately Melissa said there's no way she can get into the house without a warrant and they do not have probable cause to get a warrant.

Just as I am about to text Lucy again, I get a text message that her necklace has been taken off. Which is weird because we told her what happens if it is. Still in a slight panic mode I give her a call. It rings and rings until I am sent to voicemail. Lucy knows that we will call first if she hits the button or if her necklace is taken off. I call Mel the next time since I'm in full freak out mode. She tried her best to calm me and tell me she knows. She said she was going to check the tracker to figure out a location. While on the phone with her, she gets real quiet. "Babe, are you still there?" I ask feeling concerned. "Um, yeah, I'm here. Uh Ame? It says the necklace is at her old house." Mel says quietly but I still manage to hear.

"WHAT?! What do you mean she's at her old house?? That has to be some kind of mistake!" I shout with absolute terror as to what is happening with my baby. "I'm just telling you what it says. Look I'm going to go check it out, if she's not there I'll run by the house, okay? I'll let you know. I love you babe, it'll be alright." I told her I loved her too before hanging up. I walked to the bathroom and went into an open stall where I sat on the floor and cried.

Lucy POV

My mother comes walking through my door with a shit-eating grin on her face. "Well, well, well, looks like the baby is back in my house when I specifically told her not to come back." I backed up as she continued walking closer. "I just came back to pick up a few things, then I promise to be out of your life for good." Mother took her hand and backhanded my face. Once she got in the first hit there was no stopping her. I didn't even try to fight back. I was not as strong as her, especially since she had been drinking. "So you came back for a fucking stuffed animal. I always knew you were a little crybaby, I should have killed you when I had the fucking chance."

As the hitting got harder, my sobs grew louder. I knew better than to cry because it always made her more angry. I couldn't help it though. Even though it hurt, I was crying because I made a mistake. I didn't follow my moms orders and left the house without their permission. I deserved this beating, but I couldn't help longing for my mommies to come save me. With one last hit to the head I was out cold with Ellie clenched in my hand and the picture in my back pocket.

Melissa POV

I make it to Lucy's old house with every awful thought popping in my head. She can't be here, there is no way she would go back. She said she was terrified to go back! I tried to think rationally until I see Lucy's bike Amelia and I got her for Christmas. She's here. I hear yelling coming from inside the house and immediately think the worst.

Trying the door I find it is unlocked. I slowly open it and make my way in when I hear more yelling and sobs. I quickly make my way up the stairs in the direction the noise was coming from when I come upon an open door. I see a woman standing over a lifeless body when I realize it's my Lucy laying there. Swinging the door open, I pull my weapon, "POLICE! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" The woman I assume is her mother puts her hands in the air and turns around. After cuffing her, I call for another car to come get her and an ambulance for Lucy.

One of my coworkers came and took Lucy's mother down to the station while the paramedics were checking on Lucy. They loaded Lucy up onto the stretcher, still unconscious and took her downstairs towards the ambulance which I tried to get in before I was stopped by a paramedic. "I'm sorry officer, we will need the space to work. You can question her at the hospital when she is awake." Glaring at him, I walked to my patrol car and followed them to the hospital.

On the drive there I called Amelia and braced myself for this conversation.
Melissa: Hey babe...
Amelia: Oh my god, did you find her? Is she alright?
Melissa: I found her, I don't know if she is alright. I'm following the ambulance to the hospital.
Amelia: Which Hospital?!
Melissa: We are on our way to yours. Please don't freak out when she gets there. She was unconscious when I found her, so you need to prepare yourself. We are pulling in now so I will see you in a minute. I love you.
Amelia: I love you too, see you soon.

Hanging up the phone I was not prepared for what comes next. I walk in and see Amelia crying. Apparently they are having to operate because her mother did some heavy damage. They said if she wakes up on her own that she will be in the clear, but as of right now, she has a long road.

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