Ch. 12 - Recovery

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A/N: Final upload for tonight as it is 2:09 a.m. so I am exhausted. I really hope you have enjoyed the story so far. Please remember to vote, leave comments, critiques (polite ones preferably, I am a bit sensitive), or anything you want or hope to see in future chapters. Thanks!

Amelia POV

It's been three days. Three days since Lucy entered a coma. Three days since my little one has called me Momma or Ma. Three days since I've seen her laugh or smile. Three days since my world shattered. Melissa has been by my side through all of this and I don't know where I would be without her. She took some personal time from work to stay with me and we decided I won't be working anymore, so I quit my job. We are staying positive that Lucy will make it through this and that is enough reason for me to stay home permanently.

Melissa walks through the doors with food and coffee giving me a tight smile once she sees me. She starts to hand me the food when I shake my head. I can't even fathom eating or sleeping right now. Mel gave me a stern look before turning sympathetic, "babe, you have to eat. Lucy would want you to eat, she wouldn't want you getting sick." Mel tried to reason with me. I finally gave in realizing I want to be in full health for when my baby woke up.

Melissa POV

It's so hard to see both of my girls going through this right now. I'm the one that found her lifeless body and that image has stuck to me, but I need to remain strong for Amelia. It's been three days since I've had my family feeling whole, I want and need that back. I lean back on the sofa next to Lucy's bed and pull Amelia back with me. She cuddles into my side and I kiss the top of her head. We didn't mean to, but we both fell asleep.

Lucy POV

I was lying somewhere, my floor at my old house maybe? No I hear beeping. I slowly manage to open my eyes when they're flooded with lights. Fuck that hurt, and so does my body? I look down and see all of the bruises. Taking a deep breath I remembered everything that happened. God how can I be so stupid. Then I remembered moms, shit do they know I'm here? Do they know what happened? I start to panic when I hear snoring and look over to see both of my moms asleep with Ma cuddled into Mom. I don't know how long I've been here, but knowing how both of them are with worrying about me, I decide to let them sleep.

A nurse walked in shortly after I woke up and I held a finger up to my mouth to signal for her to be quiet. She got my message and asked if I wanted some crackers and sprite, which I nodded my head. I asked how long I had been out for and was shocked when she told me three days. Yup, moms probably freaked the fuck out.

A few more hours passed and I was starting to get bored. Seeing I had one cracker left, I broke it up and started throwing pieces at my moms. Mom woke first looking groggy and lost. I giggled a little, "hi mommy," I announced feeling my little feels rise up. "Oh my god baby! You're up!" Mommy nudged momma who shot up abrubtly before the both ran over to my bed. "Shh not so loud mommy, my head hurt." As they climbed into bed with me, momma gently rubbed my head after mommy apologized. Momma started, "baby girl, we were so worried about you. Why did you go back? You said you wouldn't."

I nodded knowing that is what I said, "I weally miss Ellie and waned her back. I yuv Emma, but wan El back." They both hugged me before mommy began, "I know you missed Ellie, but baby, what you did was extremely dangerous. We could have lost you baby." Tearing up I muffled out, "I so sowwy mommy an momma. I pwomise neber do anyting like dis 'gain."

Momma hugged me while I curled up against mommy. Momma said, "Good girl baby, I'm glad you understand the severity of this. However, as a result of this, I'm no longer working so I will be home with you every day." I looked up a little, "weally? I no mean for you to not work, but I happy I have you all da time now." "Me too baby, me too." I was starting to feel tired so I curled up with my moms on each side of me and quickly fell asleep.

The next time I woke up I was feeling big and momma told me the doctors had cleared me since I woke up and that that was going to be the test on if I would make it or not. Mommy helped me into a wheelchair before pushing me out to the car where she loaded me into my car seat. As we were driving back home I tentatively asked, "Mom? Ma? What's going to happen to my mother?" Mom sighed a little, "Well baby, you were going to have to give a statement and testify, but prosecution saw the condition you were in and went ahead to trial. The jury came back quicker than almost any in history and ruled guilty on your mother's charges. She's going away for 30 years." I exhaled loudly, "wow. I know I said it at the hospital when I was little, but I feel like I need to say it again. I'm so sorry for what I put you through, I wasn't thinking. I promise to never leave the house without telling you both."

Ma turned around in her seat and gently gripped my knee, "we know baby, we will talk at home though." Letting out a shaky breath I simply nodded. She seemed satisfied since she turned back around. When I knew no one was watching, I silently cried in my seat. They were going to give me up. I broke one of their rules, to always tell them where I was and who I was with. I can't believe I was so stupid.

Melissa POV

We pulled into our driveway and I lifted Lucy out of her booster seat and carried her into the living room and set her on the couch with Amelia behind me. She looked like she had been crying, but I decided to wait to see if she brought it up. "Baby? You know one of our rules is to always tell momma and I where you are going and who you are with right?" She nodded her head so I continued. "You broke that rule. A rule we put in place for you safety and you got hurt because of breaking that rule."

Lucy immediately broke down crying and was speaking, but I had no clue what she was saying. I pulled her to me and gave Ame a look of concern realizing she was giving me one right back. "Shh baby, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." She slowed down her crying before whimpering, "I so sowwy, p'ease don leave me." Amelia shared another look, this was of heartbreak. Amelia came over onto the other side, "baby we would never ever leave you. No matter what, only if you ever choose to leave." I decided to say something, "I am so sorry if you thought that was what this conversation was about. You just really scared us so we were going to tell you your punishment."

Lucy calmed down a lot by now, "oh? What are dey?" I answered, because even though she got hurt, she still needed discipline to ensure she never does it again. "Well we already agreed to no physical punishments obviously. So no tv for a month and once your concussion is gone I want you to write "I promise to never go against Mommy and Momma's rules" 100 times. Does that sound fair. She nodded before putting her head down. "I think I should be getting it worse, but yeah, I guess that's fair." Amelia pulled Lucy onto her lap and held her tightly, "baby you made a mistake, we all do. Mommy and I just want you to be safe. We trust you, you haven't lost that. This is just a way for this lesson to be enhanced. I realize we haven't ever had to punish you yet, but generally once you've served your punishment, all is forgiven and there is no need to dwell. We have already forgiven you for this one, but it's a longer punishment. We love you and will never stop loving you."

Lucy POV

I nodded my head and told them I loved them too before asking if we could go to bed. They asked me if I wanted to nurse and I of course said yes. I nursed with mommy first because the milk from momma puts me to sleep. Mommy kissed my forehead and scratched my head as I nursed. After I finished with her, I went over to momma for my milk. She also kissed my forehead and scratched my hair. I felt myself grow tired so I told them I loved them from behind momma's nipples which they reciprocated. I latched back on until I fell asleep happy to be back with my mommies.

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