Ch. 29 - Adoption

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Lucy POV

It was a couple of weeks after Easter and I had called Liam on the phone.

Liam: "Hello? Lucy?"

Lucy: "Hey bro, I need some advice."

Liam: "Alright, shoot."

Lucy: "I want to ask Mom and Mama to adopt me."

Liam: "Okay, but you are older than 18, how can they adopt you?"

Lucy: "I did some research and there's this thing called an adult adoption. It's as if I was legally their child and they are allowed to make medical and financial decisions for me without any other type of documentation."

Liam: "Okay, you seem to have it all figured out, so what do you need me advice for?"

Lucy: "It's more I want your approval. I know our parents were shitty, but they were still our parents."

Liam: "Of course I approve Lucy. I can see how much they care about you. You're right, our parents were shitty. It doesn't matter if they were our parents, they didn't treat us well. You have every right to be formally adopted. Do they know about this?"

Lucy: "No, I wanted to surprise them. I have all of the paperwork."

Liam: "Then it sounds like you have it all figured out. I'm happy for you kid. I love you."

Lucy: "Thanks Liam, I love you too."

Now to figure out how to ask them. I have a slight advantage because Mom is at work, but I am still left with Mama.

I decide to set it up in my playroom and just keep them out until I am ready.

I start to go outside before Mama stops me.

"Where you going baby?"

I turn around slowly, "Uh, outside."

"You know you're supposed to have someone with you when going outside."

I whined a little bit, she's totally ruining my plan. "Mama, I'm not little right now. I'm doing something top secret."

She gave me a suspicious look, "Are you sure you're not little?"

I groaned and pushed her away, "Mama! I'm not little, I promise! Now please go so I can do this real quick. Then I promise to come snuggle on the couch."

She raised an eyebrow before throwing her hands up in defeat.

I quickly ran through the backyard and picked some flowers that I knew they both liked before sneaking back into the house.

Mom was home now so as I sneaked past both of them and went up to my play room.

I had made two bouquets and tied them with some yarn from my room. I had also written them a note and taped it to the front of the envelope.

I went back downstairs carrying the flowers and the envelope and walked over to Moms who were sitting on the couch.

"Hey sweetheart." Mom said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hi mom," I said as I hugged her back.

I then went and hugged Mama before passing them their bouquets.

"These are for both of you. I couldn't go out and buy any, so I picked them from the backyard. Though I almost wasn't able to because Mama was so nosey." I giggled a little at my last statement and the fact that Mama just shrugged.

I pulled the envelope out from behind me and handed that to them.

"Read the note on the front before opening the envelope." I tell them.

Mom reads it,

Mom and Mama/Mommy and Momma,

I love you both so much and I am so grateful for everything you both have done for me. I can without a doubt say that I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for the both of you. You are my mom and mama when I am big and my mommy and momma when I'm small.

You always support me, care for me, protect me, and most importantly love me. I want to make it official with you guys. I know I'm no longer a minor, but there's an adult version of what I am hoping you will say yes to.

So, Mom and Mama, will you officially adopt me?

After Mom had finished reading my note out loud, they both looked up at me with tears in their eyes.

"Of course we will adopt you baby girl," Mama said through her sobs.

I walked over to them and they pulled me in between them.

"Are you sure this is what you want Lucy?" Mom asked.

"Yes Mom. I want to officially become Lucy Adams, daughter of Melissa and Amelia Adams. Inside the envelope is all of the paperwork. All you have to do is sign."

They both squeezed me into a hug and told me they loved me.

"I love you both too, can we go finalize this today?"

"Of course. Put your shoes on and we will head out now."

I smiled and got my shoes on. I'm finally getting my happy ending.

We make it down to the court house and luckily there is a judge who is willing to see us on short notice.

The judge wanted to talk to me privately so I went with him into his chambers.

"So why do you want to be adopted by these two women?" The judge asked me.

"You see Judge, I didn't have a good childhood and home life. My mom, Melissa was the one who actually saved me from killing myself. My biological mother was abusive to me and my biological father wasn't much better."

I continued when he nodded his head, "Mom and mama saved me from that life and have provided me with more love and affection than I have ever received in my entire life. I know I could just do a simple name change to their last name, but officially being adopted by them makes it real. It makes me feel secure. I never felt safe or happy really until they came into my life."

The judge smiled at me, "I will approve your adoption. From what I understand, those women really care about you. Why don't you grab them and bring them back here?"

I run out to grab Moms and the follow behind me. Once I get to his chambers I grab both of their hands and they kiss my head.

"After talking to Lucy here, she seems really happy about the idea of being legally your child. So I am approving it."

Moms both thanked the judge and he helped with changing my last name as well.

I walked out of the court house hand and hand with Mom and Mama. Before we got to the car, I stopped both of them.

"What's up Lucy?" Mom asked.

"I'm officially Lucy Adams." I said smiling.

"Yes you are baby," Mama said as she pulled me into a hug.

Mom smiled at us and joined us creating a group hug.

"Are you guys ready to go home for the first time as the official Adams family?"

I nodded my head really big and bounced up and down causing Mom to reach down and pick me up.

"Then let's go home," Mom and Mama said. 

I am getting ready to write the last chapter. As of right now, I think I am at a good stopping point for this book. I may come back to write short little holiday specials, but the official story is coming to an end. As I had mentioned prior, this will not be my last age regression story. I enjoy these books too much to not write one again. For now I want to explore other types of stories and writing so I hope you will read those as well. Thank you everyone for your support with this story. 

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