Ch. 15 - Vacation

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Amelia POV

Mel did a really good job when picking this rental. It's a secluded cabin but it's really close to town in case we need anything. There's only 2 bedrooms and 1 of those bedrooms is a nursery. The people who rent this cabin out are also into cgl so the nursery is actually a little's nursery. It has a crib that she can get out of when big and changing table big enough for Lucy, along with a rocking chair and all the toys you could imagine. After seeing the toys they have here, I kind of feel bad for bringing some of our own, but hey, I didn't know they'd have all of this.

It's early in the morning when Mel wakes up. I couldn't sleep too well so I went onto the deck with my coffee to enjoy the peacefulness. After about a half hour or so, Mel came out and gave me a good morning kiss. She cuddled next to me before saying, "you know, I typically like giving you our good morning kiss in the bed." Chuckling I responded, "yes, but then you make it get heated real fast." Pouting she answered, "but I like it." Giving her a slower passionate kiss this time around, I responded after we broke apart, "I know babe, me too. I just couldn't sleep."

Looking concerned she asked, "are you worried about something?" Sighing and trying to figure out my wording. "I'm worried that we are pushing Lucy too fast. What if she hates the trip and in return hates us too? I can't lose her, I've grown so attached to her." Mel grabs my hands and kisses them before saying, "Baby, Lucy absolutely adores you. Heck I think she might like you even more sometimes even though I found her. She's not going to leave us. She's still mature enough that even if she hates the trip, she'll manage to have a good time and we just won't ever come back." Nodding, I respond, "I know. I know you're right, now let's go wake up our little girl."

As I start to get up, I feel something knock me back down. When I look down to see what it was, I realized it was actually my Lucy who looked like she had been crying.

Lucy POV

I woke up and wasn't feeling very little, and luckily for me it allows me to get out safely when I'm big. After I get out of my crib, I go over to my bag and dig into the secret pocket where I keep my medication. I have two daily medicines, one I take twice daily and it is my anti-anxiety medicine and the other I take at night time for my headaches. I can't believe I still haven't told moms. I don't really want them to know about it because I'm afraid they might give me back because that's too much to handle.

After taking my medicine, I go over to my moms room, but they aren't there. I look all around the house until I hear voices coming from the porch, so I head that way until I hear what they are talking about.

I hear Ma say, "I'm worried that we are pushing Lucy too fast. What if she hates the trip and in return hates us too? I can't lose her, I've grown so attached to her." What? I could never hate them, they are my whole world. I literally was going to kill myself before mom found me.

That's when I heard moms voice. "Baby, Lucy absolutely adores you. Heck I think she might like you even more sometimes even though I found her. She's not going to leave us. She's still mature enough that even if she hates the trip, she'll manage to have a good time and we just won't ever come back." I don't love one more than the other. They are both my moms and I love them both with my whole entire heart. 

I hear them start to get up and decide to make my entrance. I rush over to Ma because she was the one who sounded really worried and unsure. I ran into her so fast that she fell back into her chair with me on her lap.

"I'm so sorry for eavesdropping, but Ma, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I love you and Mom so much, I don't ever want to leave you guys. Of course I'm going to love this trip, it's something we get to do together and shows me how much you love me. I had never been out of the county let alone the state. You both put so much thought into this trip just for me, how could I ever hate that. I love you both, please don't ever think I could hate you." I turned to look at Mom, "and you, I don't love one of you more than the other, I love you both with my entire heart and for different reasons. Mom, you are always there to protect me and shield me from any harm," I look back at Ma for this one, "and Ma, you are always there for me to cuddle when I'm having a bad day or just need some extra snuggle time," now not really focusing on one or the other I say, "you both love me, take care of me, play with me, give me all the affection I needed when I was a kid. You both give great hugs and great snuggles. I couldn't live without you guys. In all honesty, I should be the one afraid to lose you guys. You guys are the best, and little out there would be lucky to have you two."

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