Ch. 9 - The Unfortunate Story

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A/N: I know I said I wouldn't put warnings on this story, but felt it necessary for this chapter. There is mention of rape in here, so you may want to skip. The next chapter will be fluff I promise.

Lucy POV

I woke up in between my mommies when I realized Mommy was already up. "Where you goin mommy?" She kissed my forehead, "shhh baby, mommy has to go to work today. Can you snuggle up with momma and be a good girl for her today?" Mommy asked while rubbing my head. I simply nodded before telling her I love her and snuggling back into momma.

I woke up a few hours later to momma saying, "wakey wakey little one." I wasn't ready to be up so I grunted and threw the covers over my head. "Oh no!" Momma exclaimed, "where did my little Lucy go? I will be so sad if I have lost my little one for good!"

I started giggling so I pulled the covers off my face, "Momma no be sad! I righ' here!" "There she is! Momma was so worried she lost her baby!" Shaking my head, I cuddled into her chest. Her saying momma was worried made me think of my biological mom and that immediately pulled me out of headspace.

I pulled away from her and quickly got out of bed, "I'm going to go take a shower." She immediately got up, "are you little?" I just shook my head as I made my way to the bathroom trying to hold my tears back. Amelia grabbed my arm, "Lucy, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Are you okay?"

I just shook my head and said, "No Ma, you nor Mom did anything wrong. Can it just wait until Mom gets home? I don't want to repeat it twice." I said with tears streaming down my face. Ma immediately wrapped me up in her arms. "I know you're not little, but are you sure you don't want me to shower with you?"

In all honesty, I didn't want to be alone. That's when all the bad thoughts creep into my head. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I can manage on my own." Ma shook her head, "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't think you needed it."

We walked to the bathroom, we both stripped and got into the hot shower. Ma helped me wash my hair, but let me wash my body since I was big. Just the simple task of her washing my hair made me realize how much she cares about me. Thinking about how much both of them care about me makes me cry because I feel like I don't deserve them.

Ma looks down at me crying with concern written all over her face before pulling me into her chest with my head tucked under her chin. I never understood it, but skin to skin always had a way of calming me down. "What's the matter baby? What's got my little Lucy upset." Ma asks, her calling me little is really not helping me to not slip. I need to wait until after Mom comes home and I tell them.

"I can see how much you both care about me, and I've never had anyone who cares about me like you both do. I feel like I don't deserve you guys."

Amelia POV

My heart just fucking shattered. My babygirl thinks she doesn't deserve us, if anything, we don't deserve her. "Oh Lucy babygirl that is far from the truth. Your mom and I love you with all of our heart. You deserve love and people to care for you, you didn't deserve how you were treated. I love you and so does your mom."

She just nodded her head and sunk deeper into my embrace. Eventually we both got cleaned up and out of the shower. I decided to tell her to go down to the living room to watch some tv and have some quiet time so I could call Mel.

After the second ring, she picked up;

Melissa: Hey babe, what's up?
Amelia: Hey, Lucy has been having a hard time today and I was just curious when you would get home?
Melissa: Is she okay? What happened? I'll be home soon because I just finished my shift.
Amelia: She is fine for right now, I just sent her downstairs to watch TV and have quiet time. She has had a couple of breakdowns and I can tell she is resisting to slip until you get home because she said she wants to talk to us both. But babe, she thinks she doesn't deserve us. I wanted to cry and hurt the people who have ever hurt our little girl. I got her to calm down, but I know she'll feel better once you're home and she has both her mom's. Oh! And that reminds me, even out of headspace she called me Ma and referred to you as Mom.
Melissa: Wow, I was definitely not expecting her to accept us this soon, but I am so happy that she is. And just so you know, I'm in the driveway.

We said our goodbyes and I went downstairs to cuddle with Lucy.

Melissa POV

I just got off the phone with Ame, I can't believe that Lucy doesn't feel like she deserves us. I just don't know how to make her not feel like that anymore. Also, she called me Mom! And Amelia Ma! That's so much progress in such a short amount of time.

I walk up the steps to our front door and come face to face with the cutest sight. Lucy is asleep curled up next to Amelia who is also asleep. I literally just talked to her not even 5 minutes ago, I swear that girl can sleep anywhere.

I snap a quick picture before cuddling up next to them, unfortunately waking them both up. Lucy notices me first and when she reaches for me I immediately grab her thinking she has slipped. "Hi babygirl, I heard you had a rough day?" I gently asked her.

"Hi mom," okay maybe not little, just wants cuddles. "It was hard, and I'm trying to not slip, but you guys make it so easy to," she said chuckling a little. "Well baby, you don't have to stay big, we can talk about whatever you want to talk about another time." She just shook her head before saying, "no, I need to say this now or never."

I nudge Amelia harshly because I realized she didn't actually wake up fully. She jumps up since I startled her, "IM UP!" "Shh, calm down babe," I said before pecking her on the lips, "Lucy wants to talk to us." She nods before we turned our attention to Lucy letting her know we are ready whenever she is.

"W-when you asked me if I was a sexual little, and I said no," oh no, now I'm freaking out. "It's true, I'm not a sexual little. Not because it's just not my thing, which it's not, it's because I don't like sex."

Amelia spoke up first, "I don't think I follow, is there a reason why, or just preference?"

Lucy cuddled into me before sighing. "My mother use to bring home guys from the time I was 13 to a few days before I left. She would bring them in whenever dad went on business trips. She...she" Lucy started to tear up, "it's okay baby, take your time." She nodded before wiping her tears away. "She would have sex with them, and then let them come in my room to rape me." She finally managed to get out before sobbing into my chest.

Oh my god, I literally want to kill her mother and all of those men, and by the look on Amelia's face, she feels the same. Amelia comes in closer and we all cuddle together. "Lucy baby, it's okay. You are safe, Ma and I love you so much and will never ever let anyone hurt you ever again." She nodded but was still not calming down.

Amelia spoke up, "baby I need you to calm down, you're going to make yourself sick. You don't have to tell us anymore today. We are so proud of you for being brave, but baby, you can slip if you want or need to." Amelia said before deciding to take her shirt off. Calming down some, Lucy noticed and said, "momma? I has boobies?" Amelia gently pulled Lucy to her lap and Lucy latched on quickly which caused her to immediately calm down.

We kind of decided that Amelia will be the one to actually breastfeed, but we are still going to both nurse her since she wants that emotional connection with both of us, and let's be honest, so do we. Lucy finally was calm and back to her little carefree self. We had a calm day after that since we had lunch almost immediately after we were done on the couch, but just hung around until dinner. After dinner, we decided to have an early night in.

We were heading up to the bedroom when I picked up Lucy and took her to the bed. Amelia has already gotten into bed so I handed her Lucy. "Is my little Lucy Loo tired?" "Yes momma, I tired." "Too tired for mommy to nurse you to sleep?" I took my shirt off before climbing into bed.

"I neber too tired for dat!" I motioned her to me, "well come here love bug." She settled in and began to nurse while I scratched her head and Amelia rubbed her legs. She was out within minutes. So I gently moved her to in between Amelia and I. As she was sleeping, we talked some about what she said tonight before ultimately deciding to go to sleep and not fret tonight. Before we dozed off, I pulled Amelia's head to me and gave her a passionate kiss, "I love you so much babe, you and Lucy are my everything." She smiled before pecking my lips, "I love you both with all of my heart." We settled down and let sleep consume us.

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