Ch. 27 - New Little

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Melissa POV

I work day shift today so I wake up around 4:30am to get dressed. Once I am done getting dressed, I make my way into Lucy's nursery and give her a kiss on her head before grabbing breakfast and heading out to my car.

Once on patrol I start making my normal rounds, which includes the train bridge where I saved Lucy. I always have mixed feelings about it when I check that area, but it's part of my area and it's my responsibility.

Usually there is no one on it, but today there was a person sitting on it. I decide to be safe than sorry and leave my patrol vehicle to walk out there.

As I get closer I see it's a young girl with long blonde hair and she has clearly been crying.

I crouch down to her since she hasn't noticed me yet, "Hi sweetheart," I whispered quietly to her in an attempt to not scare her.

She jumped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"It's okay, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Melissa, I'm a police officer. What's your name?"

She gets control of her breathing before she responds, "Evelyn, m-my name is Evelyn."

I gave her a genuine smile, "That's a beautiful name Evelyn. Would you come with me back to my patrol car? This bridge isn't really safe and I'd like to talk to you more."

She kind of whimpered before agreeing to come with me.

Since it's warmer out we stand in front of my car to talk. She's around the same height as Lucy, so I kneel down in front of her.

"Can you tell me how old you are Evelyn?"

She whined again before saying she was 19.

"Okay hun, can you tell me why you are at the bridge?"

She started crying before shaking her head no.

"I promise you I won't hurt or judge you for whatever your reasons are. I just want to help you."

She gave me a suspicious look and then asked, "Why? Why anyone he'p me?"

'Is she slipping? Is she a little?' All of these were questions flying through my head before I realized I needed to answer.

"Because sweetie, I'm a police officer and I care about all of my citizens that I protect. You also remind me a lot of my daughter. I rescued her from this same bridge."

She stopped looking at me with suspicion and it turned more into curiosity. "How old your daughter?"

I smiled thinking about my Lucy Loo, "She's 20, but more often than not she's between the ages of 1 and 3." I told her this in hopes that she would admit anything to me, and to my advantage she did.

"She yittle 'ike me?" She asked a little more excited now.

"She is a little! Are you a little as well?" She nodded her head really big with a smile, but then it was almost as if something scared her because all of the color drained out of her face.

"I not a good yittle doe." She told me quietly.

"I don't think that's true. Would you tell me why you think that?"

She thought for a moment before answering me, "My last Daddy said I s'posed to have nakey p'ay time wit him, but I no want to. He said I a bad yittle an made me leave."

That shit irks me when a Mommy or Daddy only want a sexual little and try to force non-sexuals to be sexuals.

"You aren't a sexual little are you hun?" She cried heavily and shook her head no as I pulled her into my arms. I was taking a chance on if she would let me touch her and she did.

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