Ch. 19 - Sick Baby

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Melissa POV

Lucy has adjusted pretty well over the past few weeks. Though lately she's been struggling, but not with school. She's not been wanting to nap, been extra grouchy, and crying... a lot.

I wake up because I hear Lucy crying from her crib. Ame goes to get up, but I tell her to lay back down. Since she's home all the time with her, the least I could do is help out when I'm home.

I open up Lucy's door and see her sitting up, clutching her stuffies, and crying her eyes out. "Oh my poor baby."

I make my way over to her crib and quickly pick her up and start rocking her. "Shh, Shh, Baby it's okay. Mommy's here."

As I'm walking around her room, I pat her diapered bottom and it feels full. "Come on baby, let mommy change your diaper."

I quickly undo the straps on her diaper, wipe her hiney, and before I put her new diaper on I put some powder in there as well to make sure she doesn't get a rash.

Once I finished, I picked her up to rock her since she was still crying some. "Hush baby, why are you still crying." No response, so I do the only thing left that I can think of.

I take both of our shirts off once I'm settled in the rocking chair and guide her to begin nursing. She immediately latched on to suckle. When her skin brushed up to mine, it was extremely warm.

I brushed her hair back and put the back of my hand to her forehead and it was burning up. "Oh baby, are you sick?" I got a head nod, that's better than what we have been getting.

"Come on, let's go see Momma. I'll get the thermometer and some medicine," I tell her as I walk her back to my room.

I make my way into my room and lay her next to Amelia who immediately pulls Lucy into her even though she's asleep. I make my way into the bathroom and grab them thermometer and medicine before walking back in my room.

I run the thermometer across her forehead and when I look down, it says 102.4. Fuck that's a high fever. I get her to take her medicine and go back into the bathroom to put away the medicine and the thermometer, and I grab a rag and wet it with cool water.

I head back into the room and lay the rag across her forehead before cuddling in next to her.

Amelia POV

I woke up next to a sleeping Lucy who had a rag on her head. I look over and see Mel is asleep next to her. I pull the rag off of Lucy's head and feel her cheeks and forehead. She's pretty warm, so I sneak out of my bed to grab the thermometer. 102.4 is what it reads.

"Lucy baby, I need you to wake up," she turns towards my voice, "momma?" I decide to carry her into the bathroom and start undressing her. I give her medicine before setting her into the lukewarm bath water.

"Momma, colddd." I sighed, "I know baby, but we need to get your fever down." She started crying hard, so I stripped down as well and got into the water. It wasn't really that cold, but with her fever I'm sure she feels ice cold.

"Come here baby," I say as I pull her towards me. She immediately snuggles into my chest. She was still whimpering, so I pulled my breast up to her mouth and motioned for her to nurse.

She latched on and the whimpering slowly dissipated. "Okay little one, it's all okay now." Melissa came into the bathroom looking somewhat panicked until she saw both of us.

"Everything okay?" Mel asked me quietly seeing Lucy was calm. "Yeah, was she running a fever in the middle of the night?"

Mel nodded and said "yeah, 102.4. I gave her some meds and put a rag on her forehead."

"She was running 102.4 this morning too. I think we should take her to the doctors." Mel nodded and said, "okay, let's get her out and let her rest some more before we take her."

*time skip*

Lucy POV

Mommies are taking me to the doctors office and I really don't wanna go. "But mommy, I no wanna go, it scary!" I cried out to her.

She picked me up and instead of thrashing around, she picked me up and I curled into her. "I know baby, but you're really sick and momma and I just want you better. Now can you stop throwing tantrums? I promise this is so you feel better."

Feeling defeated, I nodded while wrapping my arms around her neck and pushing my face into her neck as she carried me to the car.

I was really scared, but Mommy and Momma held my hand the entire time and the doctor was actually friendly.

"See, now that wasn't so bad huh?" Momma asked as she strapped me into my car seat. I shook my head, "no momma, 'tis aight."

Mommies had gotten in the car when they both turned around and Mommy started talking, "now, we don't normally reward bad behavior, which you did a lot of this morning miss with your tantrums..."

Momma continued, "but, since you were such a good girl at the doctors, we will stop at Dairy Queen and get you a treat that you can have once we are home."

I smiled real big at them before saying, "t'ank you, t'ank you mommies! I so sorry for bein bad dis mornin doe."

Momma smiled back at me, "you're welcome baby. Just tell us when you aren't feeling good okay? Because next time you won't be getting rewarded, so there better not be a next time."

"I pwomise to be good Momma!"

We made it home with our ice cream and went straight for the couch. "Mommies come snuggy up wit me."

"Alright, alright baby we're coming," mommy yelled from the door.

They both snuggled up next to me and we ate our ice cream. After we finished, momma read me a story and I fell asleep all snuggled up to my mommies.

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