Ch. 16 - Vacation Fears

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Amelia POV

We've been in Alaska for almost a week now just going around and doing random fun activities. We went to the reindeer farm, the conservation areas, watched a sled-dog race, and every night Mel checks to see if we can see the northern lights. No luck so far, but being tonight is our last night, we are hoping to get lucky.

I'm awake before Mel again, so I decide to put away the items Mel got when she went to the store. She ended up picking up more diapers and pull-ups for Lucy, so I decided to take them to her room and put some away in the drawers because it makes it easier when changing her.

I try to quietly open one of the drawers since Lucy is asleep and when I do, I see two little pill bottles. They don't say what for so I decide to look them up real quick on my phone, but they are both prescribed to Lucy. The first one I picked up is to treat anxiety and the other one treats headaches.

I don't understand why Lucy wouldn't tell us. I feel like this is something we should know to ensure she takes it properly as her moms. I close the drawers but take the bottles with me because I need to talk to Mel about this. I head out of her room, but before I do, I take another look at my sleeping baby. It makes my heart hurt that she felt she needed to hide this from us, for what reasons, I don't know.

Melissa POV

I woke up and noticed Ame wasn't in bed with me...again. I wait a little while before I decide to get up and find her. Just as I sit up Ame comes in looking like she saw a ghost, so I decide to ask, "Ame? Babe, are you alright?" She doesn't say anything, just comes over, sits in my lap before hugging me. I rub her back, but then hear her sniffling. I pull her back some so I can see her face, "Babe, I need you to tell me what is wrong."

She handed me two pill bottles, both with Lucy's name on them. "I'm confused, what are these?" She finally speaks up once she was able to calm herself down, "they're Lucy's pills. I found them in one of the drawers of her changing table. One is for anxiety and the other is for headaches. Babe, why would she hide this from us?"

Sighing, I put the bottles on the nightstand and pull her close to me. "I don't know babe, but we will just have to ask her, okay? I'm sure she had a reason. Although, now that we know, we will be able to make sure she takes them properly."

We decided we'd rather talk to Lucy before breakfast, so we got up and made our way to Lucy's room.

Lucy POV

Not feeling very little again this morning, I make my way out of my crib and over to where I keep my pills. The drawer I put them in is full of pull-ups and diapers. I look through the other drawers to make sure I didn't put them in one of those and they are no where to be seen.

I hear a cough come from my doorway and see Mom and Ma standing there and Ma was holding my pills. I went to take them, but Ma pulled them away from you.

"I need those! You had no right to go through my stuff! Now give them back!" Mom stepped in, "woah little missy. You do not get to talk to Ma like that." I was just so frustrated that they found them and terrified of what it meant for me, so I decided to run. Anytime something goes wrong I flee, it's my defense mechanism.

I squeeze past them and am out the backdoor when I hear them yelling for me. I take off towards the woods, but stop quickly when I see a pair of boots by a shed on the property. I through those on because I realized I ran out of the house without shoes and a jacket. At least I have some shoes now, I'll just have to deal without a jacket.

I make it pretty far into the woods when I broke down. I fell to the snowy ground when the big tears started flowing out. "Why do I have to ruin everything!" I shouted into the dense woods. I should have never ran. They probably just wanted to take care of me and were upset I didn't confide in them about my medicine.

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