Little Girl Special

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I decided I am not going to post the first chapter of each story, I kind of just chose which one I wanted to write more at the time, so stay on the lookout! For being so patient, here is a little special of the Escape. 

Lucy POV

I woke up and rolled over into a body. Opening my eyes I realize I rolled into momma and looking behind me I saw mommy. I don't remember going to sleep in their bed but simply shrugged before waking momma up.

"Mommaaaa" I whined out to her causing her to roll over and face me smiling.

"Yes baby?" She asked me groggily.

Now that her front was open I scooted in closer to her, "Wan'd cuddles momma."

She just laughed and pulled me in tighter to her, "Okay baby, get some cuddles."

I felt something shift behind me before I felt mommy's body cuddled up behind mine and her arm draped over me and around momma. "I want cuddles too," Mommy said and I giggled at the thought of her pouting.

Feeling the warmth from both of them and being held so securely in their arms lulled me back to sleep quickly.

When I awoke next I felt mommy's presence from behind me gone, but momma quickly distracted my upset by placing kisses all over my face allowing a series of giggles to escape me.

"Mommaaaaa, 'top it." I whined to her causing her to stop for just a moment to think.

"Mmm, I don't think so." Momma responded before attacking me in kisses again throwing me into another fit while trying to push away from her. Luckily for me I heard Mommy come into the room so I called out to her.

"Mommy! Save me!" I yelled out and felt the bed dip and finally thought I would be given some relief.

That was not the case. "Nope! I'm joining the assault!" Mommy said before helping momma smother me in kisses too. I couldn't do anything but accept my fate. They finally let up and I caught my breath before turning to momma.

"Momma milk?" I ask pointing to her boobies.

She smiled at me, "you hungry baby?" I just nodded my head really fast before crawling into her lap now that she was sitting causing her to laugh. "Okay, okay baby. Let momma get her shirt off."

She got her shirt off before tossing it to the floor and I instantly latched onto her now exposed nipple. I drank for a few minutes before I let go and just laid my head on her chest. She cooed at me while running her fingers through my hair and patting my bottom.

"Does someone have a full diapey?" Momma asked me and I nodded too far into little space to respond verbally. Momma seemed to understand because she called out to mommy who came and picked me up cradling me against her body while taking me into my nursery.

"Alright big girl, do you want a diapey or pull-up for today?" Mommy asked holding up both options after she laid me down onto the changing table. I didn't quite understand what she was asking, but I saw the one was fluffier and pointed to that one.

Mommy smiled and kissed my nose, "Diapey it is little one." She got me changed into a clean diaper and new clothes before carrying me downstairs where momma was waiting with some breakfast and juice in a bottle on the couch.

"Come her my baby," Momma said reaching her arms out to me and I leaned down to her for her to grab me. She held me in her lap with a blanket wrapped around us as mommy fed me some toast and eggs. Once I finished all of my breakfast, momma took the bottle and cradled me against her side as I drank my juice.

I finished the juice and just cuddled into her side feeling happy to have both my mommies with me. 

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