Ch. 6 - Figuring it Out

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"Alright baby, this might not be a fun conversation, but I need you to be honest with me. Okay?" I get a head nod, "who did this to you?" She pushed her head into my chest before she mumbled 'my mom'. "Do you live with anyone else besides your mom?"

Lucy POV

Melissa just asked if I lived with anyone else... "my d-dad left us yesterday." I squeezed Amelia's hand while keeping my head on Melissa's chest. Amelia ended up squeezing in closer to me. Amelia then chimes in, "I don't want to be too forward, and I'm sorry ahead of time, but Lucy, do you know what age regression is?"

Fuck, I can't tell her I know, that's what caused all of that shit with my mom. But Melissa said to be honest, so I decide to go with a head nod. Amelia squeezed my hand when Melissa asked, "what do you know about it?"

"I, I uh am little." I manage to get out before the waterworks start. They both wrap me up in a hug and tell me it's okay. "It not okay, mom hurt me cuz I yittle, it not normal."

Amelia spoke up this time, "no honey, what your mom did is not normal. Good mommies take care of their babies no matter what."

"Exactly," Melissa chimed in. "With that being said, we want you to know that we are both caregivers also known as mommies."

"We aren't forcing you to be our little, but we want to know if you would consider staying with us and letting us take care of you so you can be safe in little space as often as you'd like." Amelia questioned with a small smile on her face.

I felt myself coming out of little space, "I'd like that a lot, but I really don't want to be a burden." Melissa squeezed my side, "babygirl, we wouldn't offer if we weren't completely okay with it. Let us take care of you, let us show you the life you deserve."

I nod but then worry, "what, what do I call you both?" Amelia smiles, "whatever you're comfortable with. It can be our names, Mommy and Momma, Ames and Mel, it's up to you." I just nodded my head and asked if we could go to bed.

Melissa sat up a little bit, "sure baby, do you want me to set up the guest room for you?" I blushed profusely, because I felt weird asking out of headspace so I whispered, "Is it okay if I sleep in between you two?"

Amelia smiled before saying, "it's more than okay, come here honey." I crawled up on top of her as she cuddle into Melissa. I think I'm going to like it here.

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