Ch. 5 - Safe

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Lucy POV

I'm curled up in Amelia's arms and for the first time in my life I feel 100% comfortable and safe with her and Melissa. I've never felt so okay in my life.

Amelia turns to look at me and says, "babygirl, do you want to talk to us first or do you want to get cleaned up." "I wanna get clean, but I have no clothes." Amelia softly smiles at me, "that's okay baby, we have clothes you can use while you're here." I nodded my head, "can I get clean first?" Melissa joined us and said "of course hun, follow me and I'll show you what you need."

I followed Melissa up the stairs and she gave me some clothes and showed me how the shower worked. She then asked if I needed help showering or if I could do it on my own. I so wanted her to help me, but I couldn't bear to see her face when she sees how bruised and cut my body is.

I got in the shower and immediately screamed in pain from where the water hits me where my mom cut me. Amelia and Melissa both ran into the bathroom since they must have heard me scream. Welp, I guess they are seeing me sooner than planed.

Melissa POV

Amelia and I were sitting on the couch waiting for Lucy to clean up and come back downstairs. We were discussing what we wanted to do versus what we could do when we heard a blood curling scream. We run into the bathroom to see Lucy crying and clutching her stomach.

I quickly approach her and kneel down, "babygirl, I need to see your stomach." Lucy shakes her head quickly while saying "nu uh, it bad, no wan you to tink I ugly."

It makes me so upset to see her like this, but I need to make sure she's okay, "babygirl I promise you I will never think you're ugly, but if it's bad I need to be able to help you."

Lucy slowly moves her arm where there is a large gash that seems to have somewhat stopped bleeding. I look over to Amelia and she just nods her head. I'm extremely blessed to know that Amelia keeps an extreme medical kit in our bedroom so we don't need to go to the emergency room. Once she warms up to us a little bit more, it wouldn't be a problem to go, but she's been through a lot the past few days.

I let Amelia take over and she quickly gets the wound cleaned, disinfected, and stitched along with a tetanus shot because Lucy was mumbling something about a rusty knife and figured rather be safe then sorry.

Once Lucy is all cleaned and doctored, I pick her up and take her to our bedroom where I put her in the middle of Amelia and I's bed. Amelia gets in on one side and I get in the other side and we cuddle into Lucy who rests her head on my chest while holding Amelia's hand.

"Babygirl, we need to talk okay, nothing bad. You aren't in trouble, promise." Lucy nods her head, guess I'm leading this conversation.

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