Ch. 30 - Happily Ever After

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Amelia POV

Lucy is now officially and legally our child. Of course to us she was already our baby girl no matter what anyone said, but this makes it official.

We wanted to celebrate this for her because it is a big ordeal. So we are having a surprise adoption party and we have invited Maggie, Evelyn, Heather, Kathryn, Liam, and Jamie. Which apparently Liam already knew about the adoption, but it was a surprise for everyone else.

Melissa is taking Lucy shopping today so everyone else can get here and help me set up.

Liam and Jamie were here first. They started working on the decorations while I worked on the food.

Then Heather and her family arrived. The girls started working on the decorations on the outside and Heather and Kathryn helped me with the food along with all of the food they brought.

 The girls started working on the decorations on the outside and Heather and Kathryn helped me with the food along with all of the food they brought

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Melissa POV

I had the job to distract Lucy for the day so Amelia could get everything set up and everyone ready.

I decided to take Lucy to the mall to buy her some new clothes and new toys.

She saw a big elephant poster that goes on a wall and got really excited.

"Mommy! It a elephant! It like Ellie and Emma." She half shouted to me while smiling.

"It is baby, do you want Mommy to buy it for you?"

"You will Mommy?" She asked and I nodded my head.

She threw herself into my arms, "P'ease Mommy?"

I chuckled a bit, "Of course sweetie, thank you for asking nicely."

I picked it up and paid for it before we headed out of the store.

"T'ank you t'ank you mommy!" Lucy said as she hugged my waist.

I leaned down to kiss her head before I said, "You're welcome baby girl. Now let's go home."

I texted Ame to let her know we were leaving and she said they would all be in the living room waiting.

We arrived home and I got Lucy out of the car and started walking her into the house.

"What 'bout my elephant mommy?" She asked me.

"We will get your picture in a little bit baby. Let's just go see Momma." I reasoned with her.

When we got to the door I slowly opened it and everyone yelled 'surprise' as soon as they saw Lucy behind the door.

Lucy looked up and smiled at me before turning her head back to the crowd.

Ame came over and crouched in front of Lucy to give her a hug.

"Hi baby, did you have fun with mommy today?"

"'Es momma. What dis for?"

I stepped in, "This my little Lucy is an adoption party for you. We were so happy that we adopted you that we decided to throw a party to celebrate you."

She looked up at me, "Weally?"

I nodded my head and Ame answered, "Yes baby, it's all for you."

Lucy through her arms around both of us and said, "T'ank you Mommy and Momma, I yuv it."

She spent the rest of the day running around with Maggie, Evelyn, and even Jamie at one point.

Lucy POV

I had a great time at my party, but I was happy when it came to a close and everyone went home. I wanted some time with my mommies.

"C'mon Miss Lucy, it's time for your bath," Momma said to me.

"Momma and Mommy baf wif me?" I ask both of them.

"You want us to bathe with you?"

I nodded my head and they agreed, so we all went upstairs to the bathroom.

Momma got in first and Mommy handed me to her before climbing in herself. I laid on top of momma who was leaning up against mommy.

I snuggled with them just appreciating the closeness before they washed me up.

Once they were done, momma said she was going to go get the bed ready and all of our clothes, that if I wanted to nurse with mommy that I should do it now.

"Mommy, can I nurse?" I asked quietly after momma left.

"Of course Lucy Loo, c'mere."

I scooted closer to her and laid my head on her chest. Mommy helped me guide my mouth to her nipple and I slowly suckled her as she cupped warm water and let it flow down my side.

I sighed in happiness of the idea being safe in my mommy's arms.

After awhile I unlatched and Mommy helped me out of the tub.

We walked into the bedroom and Momma was already dressed for bed. She helped dress me so Mommy could get dressed herself.

Once we were in bed, Momma got herself ready to nurse me and mommy cuddled in with us so she could read me a story.

"I love you mommy, I love you momma." I said before Momma guided my head towards her breast for me to suckle. They both reciprocated 'I love you' before Mommy started reading. I felt myself falling asleep due to momma's milk. The last thing I remember is how lucky I was to be their daughter. 

This is my Happily Ever After.

Thank you all for reading my story. I love this one a lot and it has helped me through a lot just being able to write it. I look forward to what the future brings even if it is the end of this story. Keep your eyes out for more age regression stories in the future. I don't know when I will write more similar to this story, but there will be more eventually. 

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