Mother's Day Special

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In honor of mother's day yesterday, I thought I would give you guys a little treat since this story is technically completed. 

Lucy POV

Tomorrow is my first mother's day with mom and mama and I am so excited! I got them gifts from big me along with writing them cards from little me. I don't think they know that I did this for them.

Liam has helped me out a ton. When I needed to go to the mall to buy their gifts Liam came with me so I didn't have to take one of them and hide stuff. They've also became more parental to Liam, who won't admit it, but he really likes that so he helped me with their gifts so they're from the both of us.

Liam and his wife Jamie agreed to come over early tomorrow morning to help set up the kitchen while I distract moms in either my playroom or their bedroom since they are both in the farthest corner of the house.

It's the next morning and I had set my alarm for earlier than what time mom's typically wake up in order to let Jamie and Liam into the house. Jamie is going to cook breakfast and Liam is decorating along with bringing all of the gifts inside.

Once they have settled into their tasks and are getting close to being finish I can hear someone moving around upstairs, so I quietly made my way back upstairs. All of this sneaking has made me slip into my little space, so when I see Mommy I just want her love and attention.

"Baby girl? Why aren't you in bed?" Mommy asks, but luckily I am already near my bedroom and not by the stairs.

"Wan'ed 'ou an momma." I whined out to her.

"You know to call for us baby and we will always come get you." Mommy told me while picking me up to carry me back to her and Momma's room.

Momma was sitting up in bed which made me excited, "MOMMA!" I yelled real loud and reached out for her.

Momma laughed before telling me to use my inside voice. "What's that smell Mel? It smells like someone's cooking food."

Mommy sniffed the air, "It does, I'll go check."

Mommy turned and headed for the door, I had to stop her, "NO! Mommy 'ait come back!" She turned around confused.

"What's wrong baby?" Mommy asked me and up until this moment I had everything worked out.

"Wan suck-sucks Mommy." I tried to whine so she'd know I was serious.

"Well Momma is right there next to you so I'm sure she will let you nurse." Mommy tried to reason with me.

I just shook my head, "I nurse wit Momma but wan 'ou to s'ay."

She finally let go of that smell downstairs and came back over to the bed. Momma took her shirt off and I latched on quickly. Mommy sat next to Momma and rubbed my head while I drank Momma's milk. I made the mistake of nursing with Momma because it always makes me tired.

I nod off as Momma lifts me up onto her hip, but when she realizes I'm seconds from dozing off she moves me to her front so I can lay my head on her chest as we walk down the stairs.

Once we are downstairs, Mommy and Momma both gasp when they see all of the food and decorations. They both go over to hug Liam and Jamie and are asking what was going on. Liam clearly sees what kind of state I am in so he takes the lead. "Well that little one who is nodding off right now had all of these plans for you two for mother's day."

He continued, "I was on board with helping not only because you guys have saved and helped my little sister so much, but you both have kind of become parents to me as well. I hope this is okay, but Happy Mother's Day Mom and Mama from me and Lucy."

I could feel the tears from Momma because they were hitting me and I could hear Mommy crying. "It's extremely okay Liam. We are so happy that you think of us that way and you are our kid too. We love both you and Jamie." Momma said while she went over to hug them again. I turned my head and saw Mommy went and hugged them as well.

I was feeling less tired so I sat up in Momma's arms and she shifted me so she could hold me better. I smiled at both of them, "Happy Mommy an Momma day." I gave Momma a kiss on the cheek and then whined for Mommy to come near me. Mommy came and scooped me out of Momma's arms and I gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.

"Thank you baby girl, we love you so so much." Mommy said while hugging me tightly to her. Momma also agreed and came over to kiss my head.

Breakfast was ready so we quickly ate so Mommy and Momma could open their gifts. They opened my cards first and since I was in between them, I was easy for them to attack me with hugs and kisses.

Liam and I got them gifts together. We got Mommy a few items so she can start creating her own home gym which she loved since she typically just has to work with stuff in the house or the worse part is leave and go to her work gym. We got Momma a lot of gardening stuff along with some crafty stuff she can do alone and some she can do with me.

They both gave me even more hugs and kisses before going over to hug Liam as well. After all of the gifts were open, we decided to just socialize and watch a movie together. As the movie started, Mommy lifted me into her lap and scooted closer to Momma so I could cuddle with both of them.

"I yuv 'ou Mommy, I yuv 'ou Momma," I told them quietly to try and not disturb the movie. They both looked down and smiled at me before they told me that they loved me and they loved their mother's day. 

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