Ch. 25 - Father

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Has some not so nice stuff in this chapter, and I also changed their last name to Adams just fyi.

Unknown POV

I followed Lucy back to this house and found that she was living with these dykes. I'm under strict orders to take her relatively unharmed. Though I was told I could have some fun with her before I bring her to him.

I've been scoping this place out since I discovered where they lived to find the best time and place to take her. I was a little thrown off with the privacy fence surrounding the entire backyard, but there's a little trail that their yard backs up to.

I had put a hole in the fence a few days prior to help me see better and when I looked through today, I see Lucy in the yard playing by herself.

"Hey Lucy!" I whisper shouted towards her.

She looked in my direction and started making her way towards the fence.

"Wh-ho are 'ou?" she asked me talking like a fucking baby.

Ignoring her I say, "I'm a friend of your father's. He wanted me to come check on you and make sure you are okay.

"I okay. "Ou can 'eave now." This bitch thinks she can make me leave.

"Yeah about that..." I quickly scale my side of the fence and reach over to grab her and pull her back with me.

Unfortunately she managed to get out one loud scream before I punched her in the head and knocked her out. At least she's light because she's dead weight right now.

I slowly make my way back to where my car was parked, I would be running but I feel like that'd be a little suspicious.

I have to walk right past her house so I look into a window to make sure it's clear, but when I do I see the brunette looking at me.

"FUCK!" Is all I said before I take off running with Lucy still in my arms.

I hear a door slam as I'm running down the street.

"STOP! LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" The brunette yells out to me.

Of course I don't listen and keep running until I feel a body slam against me and I fell to the ground landing on Lucy.

Melissa POV

I slam him into the ground and quickly move him off of Lucy who isn't awake, but that will have to wait.

I had called out to Amelia before running out the door so she was calling for backup before following me.

She had just ran up to us while I still had him pinned to the ground.

"Oh my Lucy!" Ame yelled as she ran over to Lucy's side.

I heard sirens in the distance as the guy underneath me was thrashing.

"Who are you?! What do you want with my daughter?!" I yelled into his face.

He just started laughing.

"Oh you know you aren't her mother. Her mother is in jail because Lucy couldn't behave."

I wanted to choke him.

"So you're here on behalf of her father then huh?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Finally the police arrived and took him away. I spoke to some of my fellow officers and told them I didn't know who this man was but I think Lucy's father is somehow connected.

They told me they would figure it out, but until then to keep a close eye on Lucy. They also asked if I wanted a car parked out front, but I told them it wasn't necessary since she wasn't going to leave my sight or Amelia's.

I walked back over to Ame and Lucy who was now on a stretcher getting ready to be loaded onto the ambulance.

Amelia POV

I'm getting ready to get into the ambulance with Lucy since she still is unconscious when Mel came over to us.

"She's still out?" Mel asked with worry written all over her face.

"She'll be okay Mel. Do you want me to drive the car over there so you can ride with her?"

She shook her head, "No, you go with her. I'll follow behind."

I gave her a sad smile and small nod before climbing into the ambulance.

It was a long ride to the hospital but we finally made it there and they immediately rushed Lucy off to have scans of her brain done.

They escorted me to the room she would be in once done and I called Mel to let her know which room she was going to be in.

"Babe," Mel said when she walked into the room.

She came over and gave me a kiss on the lips before wrapping her arms around me.

I rested my head on her shoulder and thought for awhile.

"What if she's not okay Mel?"

Mel sighed, "She's going to be fine Ame. She has to be."

Finally after what felt like forever, Lucy was wheeled into the room already on a bed. She was still asleep though.

The doctor came in shortly after Lucy was wheeled in to explain the situation. It turns out there is no fracture or bleeding on her brain. Everything looked normal other than a severe concussion. Which is her second while being with us, I feel like a failure. 

The doctor believes the man who had Lucy knocked her out before Mel had body slammed him and that she was not the cause of this. She also let us know that Lucy had woken up when they were running the scans and was okay. They had just given her medicine to help with the pain that makes her more sleepy.

Soon the doctor left so Mel and I got into bed with Lucy, one on each side of her.

"She already doesn't like being separated from us outside the house Ame. This is just going to make her fears worse."

"I know babe. She might be a little clingy to us for awhile, but we will all be okay."

Lucy POV

I could hear mommy and momma talking about me. They are worried that I'm going to be extra clingy, which they aren't wrong.

"Momma? Mommy? It be hard, but I try not to cling."

They seemed to understand what I was saying even though I was little.

"You heard that huh baby?" Momma asked

"'Es momma."

"You don't have to worry about that. If you feel clingy or needy, be as clingy or needy that you need or want to be, okay?"

I nodded my head and Mommy started talking.

"You have been through so much baby girl, we just want you to do whatever feels comfortable to you. We were just talking about it in case you were, that we wouldn't be concerned because we are expecting it. Okay?"

"'Es mommy," I say as I lay my head on momma's chest.

Momma gets the hint so she starts rubbing my head and Mommy rubs my back. Still feeling tired, them rubbing me lulls me back to sleep. I'm thankful mommies were there to save me was my last thought before I fell asleep again. 

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