Ch.4 - Her Savior

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Melissa POV

After what felt like an hours drive, I make it to the bridge and run out to the middle where I see Lucy sitting. "LUCY!" She looks up quickly and starts crying. I scoop her up because she's not even 5 foot nor 100lbs, but she begins fighting me. "NO LET ME GO! I WANNA DIE!"

I start walking her away from the bridge with a tight grip on her and gently rocking her. "Shhh, baby it's okay. You're okay, I will help you through this. Just please don't scare me like that ever again."

She starts crying a little more, "I'm so sowwy, I tired and I hurt. I no wanna hurt no more." She's definitely slipped. "It's okay babygirl. How about you come stay with me and my wife Amelia for awhile, would that be okay?" She just nods her head and tucks it under my chin to curl up.

After I get her buckled up and in the car, I shoot Amelia a text saying she's coming home with me and that she was trying to kill herself. Obviously Amelia is okay with her coming home with me.

We finally get home and Amelia runs out the front door and over to Lucy's door.

Amelia POV

I hear Mel pull up in our driveway and immediately run out our front door and over to the girls car door. I open it up and I'm just shocked with how small she looks and how dirty her clothing is. I crouch down before saying, "hi sweet girl. I'm Amelia, Melissa's wife. What's your name honey?"

She looked down before saying "L-Lucy." "Why that is a beautiful name Miss Lucy, is it okay if I pick you up to take you inside?" She just nods her head so I unbuckle her and then carefully pick her up putting her on my hip.

I walk over to Mel, give her a quick kiss on the lips, and whisper in her ear. "We need to discuss this further." Mel just nods her head while getting the front door for me.

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