Ch. 28 - Sibling Togetherness

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Amelia POV

Liam is supposed to come over today with his wife Jamie for Easter. This will be the first time in awhile that Lucy has seen her brother so I know she is excited.

Mel has been in the kitchen with me all morning getting lunch prepared and it's just about time to wake up Lucy and get her fed before they arrive.

I make my way up the stairs and into Lucy's room where she has Emma and Ellie tucked in her arms and her little pacifier is in her mouth.

Making my way over to her crib I lower the side and rub my hand up her arm.

"It's time to wake up little one. We have a big day ahead of us," I quietly told her trying to wake her up peacefully.

Her eyes opened and she blinked the sleep away before smiling up at me, "Hi momma."

I smiled back down at her, "Hi sweet girl, are you ready to get up?"

She nodded her head and lifted her arms up to me.

Lifting her out of her crib, I set her on my hip and carry her over to her changing table. I change her out of her dirty diaper and into a pull up before carrying her over to the rocking chair.

Sitting down I ask her if she wants to nurse, "p'ease momma?"

I nod before lifting my shirt and guiding her head to my breast. She gently latches on and suckles for awhile before unlatching and cuddling into my breast.

"I yuv 'ou momma." She mumbled against my breast.

"I love you more little one."

After awhile of cuddling together in the rocker, I get Lucy dressed into a light blue shirt and some pink overalls. I also braid two long french braids that go down her back before I carry her downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Mommy!" She shouts when she sees Mel.

I quickly hand Lucy over before taking over for Mel.

Melissa POV

Ame just passed me Lucy who is cuddled up into my chest.

"Hi little one," I whisper in her ear and kiss her temple.

"Hi mommy," she whispered back to me.

We cuddled a little while longer before I set her down in her chair.

"Mommy I not dat hungwy." Lucy spoke up as I was getting her food ready.

"Well, Mommy needs you to at least eat your banana, your toast, and drink your OJ. Okay?"

"Otay mommy."

She was just about done, just needed to finish her orange juice before I stopped her.

"Meds baby girl," I told her as I handed her the medicine she took.

"Tanks mommy," She took her pills and washed them down with her orange juice.

"I p'ay now?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah baby, go play," I said as I lifted her out of her chair and set her back down onto the floor.

"What time are Liam and Jamie coming over?" Ame asked me with her back facing me.

I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist. "They should be here shortly love."

I kissed her neck before setting my head on her shoulder.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I asked her.

"Just about every day, but I'd love to hear you say it again." She said as she slowly turned around in my arms.

"I love you to the moon and all of the stars and back, and then back again. I love you as my beautiful wife and I love the wonderful mother you are to our daughter."

She blushed, "I love you Melissa, so much."

I smiled before I pressed my lips against her.

It got heated quickly until our little Lucy shouted that her brother was here and we jumped apart.

Lucy POV

"LIAM!" I yelled as I jumped into his arms after opening the door.

"Hey lil sis, it hasn't been that long. You couldn't have missed me that much."

"It feel yike fo'eva!"

Liam just laughed before setting me down. I walked over to Jamie and gave her a hug, "Hi Jamie!"

She laughed as well, "Hi little one."

"We go in'ide?" I ask them.

They both nod and follow me inside.

"Mommy! Momma! 'Iam and Jamie here!"

They both came out from the kitchen and hugged both of them.

"Lunch is just about ready, Lucy why don't you go help Momma set the table?" Mommy said.

I nodded my head real big before following momma to help her.

We all sat around and ate lunch, but once I was finished I got out of my chair and climbed into momma's lap.

"Well hi baby," she chuckled a bit.

"Hi momma," I yawned then tucked my head under her chin and she rubbed my back.

"Getting tired sweetie?" Momma asked, I didn't respond verbally, just nodded my head.

"Well, we have an easter egg hunt and then you can take a nap okay baby?"

I turned my head, "What's dat?"

Momma looked over to Liam and he kind of just sighed.

"We'll show you, okay sis?"

I nodded and momma carried me outside where there were little plastic eggs all around the yard.

Mommy came and kneeled in front of me. "So you are going to take this basket and try to collect as many easter eggs as you can. Inside each egg there's little prizes like toys or candy. Sound fun?"

I nodded really big before looking at Jamie. "Jamie find egg wit me?"

"We didn't know if Jamie would be comfortable regressing in front of us, but we did get her a basket as well if she wanted to look for eggs with Lucy." Mommy told Liam and Jamie.

Jamie looked to Liam who nodded his head before she ran over to me.

"You yittle?" I asked Jamie and she just gave me a nod and big grin.

"'Ets go find de eggs Jamie!"

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking for eggs before I got exhausted.

I walked over to Mommy and lifted my arms up, luckily she understood and picked me up. She had not placed me on her hip, but held me against her front so I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled into her neck.

"I think it's about time for Lucy to take a nap." Mommy said to someone.

"I think it's the same for Jamie. We are going to go ahead and head out so you guys can settle for the night." Liam said.

Liam then walked over to me and kissed my head, "I love you Lucy, you be good for your mommies okay?"

I nodded, "I love 'ou to Liam. Bye Jamie."

They headed out and I just cuddled back into Mommy.

Momma was right behind us as Mommy carried me into my nursery and laid me down.

"I love you my little one," Mommy spoke and gave me a kiss.

"I yuv 'ou too Mommy."

Momma came over next and kissed my forehead too, "I love you baby girl, happy Easter."

"I yuv 'ou Momma."

I was out like a light as soon as they turned out my light. 

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