Ch. 3 - The Abuse and Escape

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Lucy POV

I woke up later that morning in excruciating pain. When I opened my eyes I realized why, my mother was dragging a rusty knife on my stomach. I also realized I was clutching my stuffie, Ellie the Elephant because my mother started screaming at me, "ARE YOU SOME KIND OF FUCKING BABY WHO STILL NEEDS STUFFED ANIMALS?!"

I couldn't respond before I was being drug out of my bedroom by my hair. "I'm not going to have a fucking baby living in my home," mother says as she drags me to the stairs. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Mother screams as she kicks me down the stairs.

It hurts so badly, but I cannot give her that satisfaction. So after I make my painful journey down the stairs, I gather my courage and stand up. "Goodbye mother," is the last thing I said to her as I slowly walked out of her house.

I was still in the same clothes as last night meaning I had my phone and Officer Adams card. Once I reached the bridge, I pulled out both things. If I was going to kill myself, I wanted to do it after I talked to the one person who seemed to somewhat care about me.

The phone rings a couple of times before I hear her soothing voice. "Officer Melissa Adams speaking." I gulp before quietly introducing myself over the phone, "hi Officer Adams, it's Lucy from last night."

"Lucy, I am so happy to hear from you, I was really worried after I left you." She worried about me, I don't think anyone has ever worried about me. "I'm...I'm okay. I just wanted to call and say thank you for being there for me and I just wanted to hear your voice one last time."

"Lucy?! What do you mean one more time." By this time I am sobbing, "I can't hold on anymore, I'm so tired of this life I've been dealt. I wanna die."

"Lucy please don't do this. I care about you, my wife cares about you and wants to meet you. Please tell me where you are." Melissa begs.

"You care bout me? No one ewer cared bout me," I cried into the phone. Melissa realizes Lucy's slipping and needs to work quickly. "Yes babygirl, I promise I care about you, how could I not? Can you please tell me where you are, I want to make sure you are okay. Then you can come stay with me and my wife were you will be safe."

"I... I tink I'm on da old rail for da twain." I tell her quickly as I've never been little up here before and it is terrifying. "Okay babygirl, I will be there as soon as possible. Don't let go." "Aight."

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