Ch.7 - Accidents

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Lucy POV

I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare that my mother was cutting me again. I somehow ended up on the outside of Amelia cuddling into her back while she cuddled into Melissa.

I was trying to calm myself down from the nightmare without waking either of them up when I realized I had wet the bed. I started sobbing because I remembered what my mother did to me anytime I peed on myself or in my bed. If my own mother can do that to me, I can't even imagine what two total strangers will do to me.

Very carefully I crawled out of the bed and tip-toed into the closet and quietly shut the door. I continued my silent sobs until I must've fallen asleep.

Amelia POV

I woke up and realized I didn't have a weight on my front like I did when I fell asleep. Looking to one side I see Mel, and looking to the other side I see an empty bed and a wet spot.

I decided to wake up Mel for two reasons, to help me find Lucy and to get the sheet off the bed.

"Mel... Mel baby, wake up." I spoke as I gently shook her to wake up. "What's up Ame?" Melissa asked still obviously drowsy.

I began telling her the situation and her face immediately started to scrunch up in concern. Her authority demeanor fell into place as she told me what to do, "you strip the bed, I will go find Lucy." I nodded my head that I understood as we both stood up to do our tasks.

Melissa POV

Lucy is probably traumatized right now, I can't believe I didn't hear her get up. I look in our bathroom, the other bedrooms and bathrooms, the living room, and the kitchen and still no sight of Lucy. Then it dawned on me to look in the closets.

I was met by Amelia coming down the stairs with a handful of sheets heading towards the laundry room. "Still can't find her?" Amelia frantically asked. "Not yet babe, but I'm going to check one more place," I responded passing her while quickly making my way up the stairs.

I get back into our bedroom and make my way to the closet. I kneel down before knocking, "Lucy? Babygirl are you in there?" No response. "Honey, I know you're in there so I'm going to open the door okay?"

Lucy POV

Oh no, Melissa's back and she found me. The tears start pouring down my face as she opens the door. I'm surprised when I'm met with a face of concern instead of one of anger.

Melissa reaches up to my face and I flinch so she quickly pulls her hand away. I feel bad for flinching, but I was afraid she'd hurt me.

Melissa keeps both hands in her lap before saying, "babygirl, can you explain to me why you're in the closet?" Here goes nothing.

"W-When I wet myself, mom would hurt me. So if I in closet, she not find me." I was barely able to make out my response before I started crying.

"Oh babygirl," Melissa says as she comes into the closet with me and holds me. "We would never hurt you. It was an accident, you didn't mean to do it. We may put you in a pull-up or diaper if it is something that happens often, but we can talk about it later." She just nods her head and holds onto me tighter. "However little one, we need to get you out of those wet clothes and into the bath."

Amelia POV

As I make my way back to our bedroom, I hear muffled voices. I really hope Mel has found Lucy. I slowly open the door and sure enough Melissa is in the closet floor with Lucy cuddled up to her. I hear her mention the bath so I make my presence known.

"Hi little one," I whisper to Lucy as I crouch down to her level. "I hear someone needs a bath?" Lucy just blushes and nods. "Do you want one of us to help you?" Another nod. I chuckle a little before saying "silly goose, we need to know who!"

Lucy giggles a little before pointing at Mel and myself before saying "Mommy and Momma help!" Mel and I both gasp a little but manage to cover it up. I hoped she'd call us mommy and momma but I never expected it to be this soon.

"Alright my little Lucy Loo, how about you go pick out what toys you want in your bath in the bathroom and wait for Mommy and I. We will be right there." Lucy quickly stops cuddling with Mel and takes off for the bathroom. "Walk Little one!" Mel calls after her and she quickly stopped running.

I turned towards Melissa as soon as I was sure Lucy was out of earshot. "What on earth did I miss?" Melissa sighed before saying, "c'mon, I'll explain while we get her some clothes and a towel."

Melissa POV

As I quickly explained the situation to Amelia, we grabbed Lucy some clothing and a pull-up before joining her in the bathroom.

"Alright little one, do you want one of us to help you undress?" "You mommy," Lucy spoke quietly. "Alright babygirl, c'mere. Ame, can you get the bath ready?" Nodding her head, Amelia made quick work of getting the water filled and too the right temperature along with putting all of the toys Lucy wanted in.

Amelia worked on Lucy's hair while I focused on her body, making sure to be gentle as her poor body was still healing. With both of us bathing her, she was done and out of the tub to be dried quickly.

I wanted to put the pull-up on her just in case she had another accident, but wanted her permission. "Is it okay if I put this on baby?" She nodded, "use your words." "Yes mommy," she spoke while blushing.

After getting her all ready for bed, again, we wanted to talk to her first. "Alright Lucy Loo, you are all ready for bed. We don't have to talk about what happened tonight until we wake up again and we will be going over rules then as well. One rule I want to put into place right now though is I don't want you to get out of bed without letting one of us know, okay?"

She was playing with her fingers and said, "but what bout if I big?" "We'll discuss that further when we go over rules, but if you need to get up again tonight you need to either wake Momma or I up, okay?" "Okay."

This time, Lucy slept right in between Amelia and I with both of us cuddled right up next to her practically smushing her. "I wuv you mommy, I wuv you momma." I smiled before saying "I love you too babygirl," and Amelia responded right after me, "I love you too, now sleep tight little one." Amelia and I both gave her a kiss on the temples close to us before giving each other a peck on the lips. We all drifted to sleep hoping we would all sleep until morning.

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